Hello! I'm sharing an asset I've been working on for the past six months called TD-Completes-Me. It's a simple combo vscode extension and tox that attempts to bring auto-complete functionality to DAT editing via MS VSCode. Under the hood it runs a shim extension that implements the Language Server Protocal that talks via TCP to a TD extension comprised of a series of hacked together regular expressions and an ever growing number of list comprehesions.
It's named after my favourite plugin for VIM. YouCompleteMe
provides a list of operator names relative to the curent text DAT being edited
get completions for CHOP channel names and DAT rows and cols!
parameter auto completion. get a list of availabe parameters by typing
is respected (as long as it's called ownerComp)
completions for custom extension and TD provided operator methods and members
completions for global operator shortcuts
support for me.parent() and op('../') methods
Check out the repo for more screenshots and installation instructions!
Thanks for checking this project out!