
Simple Preset System

This is a simple two-component preset system. You can see the demo project in the assets. As simple as drag and drop components into your network with enough ability to customize individual presets.

This system I build and use for almost all of my projects as:

  • Light control system for permanent installations.
  • AV control system for club and restaurant with custom lighting and video.
  • Scheduling for installations
  • VJ for a live show
  • Theatrical performance

It can be simple customized for many needs and save time where you need to give the client ability to tweak some parameters on their own and save it for future use.


Inside of the control container, you can change the name and how many presets you need.

  • Name: Change the name for the preset to display
  • Can be updated: In my case, there are some presets that do not need to save parameters; I use custom scripts to switch the logic (like turning all output off, switching to VJ mode from the video acquisition card, and so on). If you do not need to save the component parameters on this preset turn this parameter off.
  • Script: You can write a name for a custom script that will be executed after the preset is switched.

There are two places you can apply a custom script:

  • 'Update settings' block will be executed every time the preset changes.
  • 'Custom scripts' can be defined for every preset individually.


Drop into any component, and it will take care of all custom parameters for this component).

** Be aware that it will override parameters on preset change, so if you have references or custom logic, it will need to be implemented on top of it.


Asset Downloads (135.31 KB)
