How TO?
To use Lygia in TouchDesigner, download Lygia.tox and add it to your project. All you have to do now is feed it a Text DAT containing your input GLSL and it will output a resolved version of the GLSL. To import functions from Lygia, simply #include
them. (e.g. #include "lygia/filter/boxBlur.glsl"
requests by fetching the code from the internet. If you prefer an offline version, I recommend using Lygia-TD by Victor Saiz.ASSETS
You will fin a Lygia.tox component file that you can use as described.
You will also fin a Lygia.toe example project to illustrate how to use the componenet mentionned above. The project contains five shader examples that use Lygia. All the shader examples are to be credited to Patricio Gonzalez Vivo.
LYGIA have a long way to go. Your support will be appreciated and rewarded (all contributors are automatically added to the commercial license ). This support can take multiple forms:
- fixing bugs
- expanding the crosscompatibility between languages GLSL/HLSL/WGSL/Metal
- contributing new functions
- adding new examples and integrations for new enviroments like: GoDot, ISF, MaxMSP, etc.
- through sponsorships
LYGIA is dual-licensed under the Prosperity License and the Patron License for sponsors and contributors.
Sponsors and contributors are automatically added to the Patron License and they can ignore any non-commercial rule of the Prosperity Licensed software.
Comming soon will be possible to get a permanent comercial license hook to a single and specific version of LYGIA.
This library has been built over years, and in many cases on top of the work of brillant and generous people like: Inigo Quiles, Morgan McGuire, Alan Wolfe, Hugh Kennedy, Matt DesLauriers and many others.