
How To Be Yourself

If you have any questions while reading through this/playing with the file, please feel free to email me @, I'll try my best to answer any queries :)
What is How to be Yourself?

How To Be Yourself (HTBY) is a dance piece which includes a visual accompaniment, programmed in Touchdesigner. I wanted to explore different uses of text in the context of a dance work, and this .toe file was what was created for this piece. 


Here are two example videos:


I wanted to share the code publically to allow anyone interested an opportunity to have the program for their own use. Maybe you saw the show and have your own ideas of how to better use the features shown, want to build on an existing idea we presented, or simply want to improvise and explore different possibilities with the programme. I also get bursts of inspiration while watching performances, so I thought it would be fun to have this available for everyone's use. Lastly, this program was built on many online tutorials provided freely by others, so it seems unfair to keep what I've made to myself. I'd be honoured if someone found a feature I made which solved an issue they were having, and used it for their own projects :D


Here, I will go over the different features of HTBY, what pre-requisites you need to set it up, what the controls are, and how some of the effects can be customised.


(Do reach out if you come up with smth cool! I'm most active on Instagram, and I'd love to see anything built on this :D)

What you need

- A depth camera D435 (Linked here). You can use any Intel Realsense depth camera, just specify the model you used in the realsense TOP node. 
- A good USB-C 3.2 cable, IF you want to extend the length >1m (Here's what I used). DO NOT USE USB-C 3.1 cables, the data transfer rate won't be enough and you won't be able to get connected to the depth camera. Shorter would give better image quality/less artifacting, and I've found I can't extend the length past 5m.
- A PC with a pretty solid GPU (I run mine on a laptop with a 4060Ti, and the performance is acceptable to me)
- A tripod to help hold up the depth camera.
- A wireless mouse and keyboard is not necessary but helps a lot with testing, as you may want to walk around the camera's field of view to see how it works.
- Also optional is a Projector/larger 2nd screen to see your changes easier, if you're walking around.

How to turn it on

  1. Download the Touchdesigner programme (next to the logo on the top left of this screen)
  2. Download the .toe file and the "Labels" folder in the "HTBY Program" into the same folder.
  3. Connect the Realsense camera to your computer. Note that sometimes Touchdesigner cannot detect the camera if you open the program, THEN plug in the camera cable. (You don't have to if you just want to look at the nodes.)
  4. Run "HTBY.toe".

How HTBY Works


The programme is largely split into 2 parts, corresponding to the 2 parts of the dance work.

1. Barrage. Here, text repeatedly flashes on screen in different positions. The speed, text, size, and colours can be customised, and we can shift between different sizes during the performances as well. 


2. Body. Using the depth camera, we can map text onto the body of the dancer/items within a defined range of the camera's field of view. We can change the text, colours, registered range, etc. based on our inputs to the programme. We can also create pulses to create a "radar" effect. Both the mapped text and pulse functions can be can be seen in the demo video, or later in this explainer when the controls are explained.

To change the text that appears in each state, you can change the text in the 4 text DATs (the pink containers), an separate each word/phrase with an underscore (_).


1. Barrage

A summary of the list of features and controls for barrage are as follows:

Keypress "1": Toggles Barrage State On.

Keypress "V": Toggles flashing text on/off. (Refer to 1-1 Barrage)


Keypress "Z": Toggles through different preset states of the Barrage. This includes a range of different variables, which are detailed and can be edited in table1 of the Barrage Container. (Refer to 1-2 Barrage faster).


Keypress "W": Makes all Barrage text the same (Refer to 1-3 Barrage_allsameidx).


Keypress "Q": Toggles through what text shows up when Keypress "W" is pressed.

Keypress "G": Changes to freeze the underneath text, while cycling through the list of texts provided in the text DAT "PY_Labels_Top11". (Refer to 1-4 Barrage_slots).


Keypress "E": Cycles through different greetings. 

2. Body

A summary of the list of features and controls for barrage are as follows:

Keypress "2": Toggles Body State On.

Keypress "Y": Transitions from a zoomed in state to a zoomed out, original state.

Keypress "E": Toggles off/on depth tracking and words appearing on the Body (Refer to 2-1 Body)


Keypress "Q"/"N": Triggers an out/in pulse, where the characters (Hi/Yoo/全体集中) appear from the furthest parts of the camera's field of view, and propagate inwards. Keypress "N" will further change the state of the main text and pulsing text.


Keypress "W"/"M": Triggers an in/out pulse (opposite to "Q"), where the characters (Hi/Yoo/全体集中) appear from the center of the object in the camera's field of view, and propagate outwards. Keypress "M" will further change the state of the main text and pulsing text.

See 2-2 Body Pulse for an example of "W"


See 2-3 Body Change Range for an example of "N"


Keypress "V": Toggles on/off a force onto the Body text. The type of force can be chosen using "Z"/"X"/"C", as specified below.

Keypress "Z"/"X"/"C": Selects a spiralling/upward/trailing force onto the Body text. (Refer to 2-4 Body Apply Force to see Spiral (starts 0:10) Upward (starts 0:34) and Trailing (starts 0:50) )


Keypress "G": Applies a domain warp onto the body which the text spawns from (Refer to 2-5 Body Warp)


The Main text's and Pulse text's features and be modified with the "Stage_Param_SCAPE_Studio34_Small" table. 

A word of Thanks

I would like to express my thanks to, in no particular order of importance:

- My Soloist, Pei Yao, for sticking it through this process, tolerating my repeated requests for rehearsals and tests for different functions, and for all the effort put into creating and refining the movement. I don't consider it exaggeration to say that most of the movement that the visuals depend on were Pei Yao's original material. Couldn't have accomplished HTBY without you, please tompang now that you have your class 2B license. :)

- My mentors, Chew Pei Shan and Benedict Soh, who provided me with invaluable advice on how to refine HTBY. Many things about HTBY, from the piece's structure, how to use the space, and many different features in HTBY were inspired by the few but essential conversations they had with me. 

- *SCAPE Pte. Ltd., for providing me the opportunity to develop and showcase the work, and creating platforms essential for young dancers and choreographers. 

- My friends, who took the time to watch the piece and give feedback.

- My endlessly supportive (and attractive wow hawt) wife, Jun Hui. Thank you for your belief and love <3 (sorry for posting cringe on Touchdesigner)

- And you, who took the time to partake in our art. Thank you so much, know that I do not take your time for granted :)

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