
Generative Isolation


Bored in isolation? Looking for something refreshing to do ?

We came up with a fun game for you to try out.

Alyona (@amona_re), Dimitri (@dith_idsgn), Stas (@exsstas), Cristina (@katjastrike), Bileam (@elekktronaut), Aurelian (@paketa12), Simon (@polyhop) and myself started a TouchDesigner file in which we took turns working, everyone following a set of rules and restrictions that I came up with.

We had a lot of fun seeing the project evolve while it was going from person to person, each bringing their own style into the mix, and we don't want it to stop here.

We want you to join us !

Download the file we worked on, you will find all the rules to follow inside. We want to see it evolve and go even further.

Also feel free to just take the rules and start from scratch with your friends.


Have fun with it and stay safe !


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