A collection of components to easily map incoming data from DMX, OSC or MIDI to parameter via drag and drop.
How to use:
- Drag any parameter into the list. The channel will have the value of "Learn"
- The range will be automaticly taken from the dropped parameter. You can change it by hand also.
- Activate the Learn-Toggle. The next message coming in will now be used as the channel information.
- If you hit the wrong channel, just press the freen L-Button or change the information yourself.
- When finished, deactivate the learn-toggle do save ressources.
Incoming DMX-Data gets encoded from 8Bit mode, OSC in a range from 0.0 to 1.0 and MIDI from 7Bit values. More coming in the future.
This component is free to use in a non commercial usecase.For integration into commercial projects, please contact me for licensing.
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