Community Post

Announcing TD Trebuchet!

TD Trebuchet helps to manage working with multiple versions of TouchDeisgner and solves a common issue in professional TouchDesigner workflows, namely TouchDesigner files are forward compatible but not backward compatible.  I developed TD Trebuchet to solve the problem that I was running into where I would open a toe file with a new build of TouchDesigner and save it and then that file wouldn’t open cleanly in an older build of TouchDesigner. This becomes an issue when working with other people on TouchDesigner projects where your collaborators only have access to older builds or when working on projects with clients where the client is unable or unwilling to upgrade their build of TouchDesigner.

TD Trebuchet automates the process of opening toe (and tox) files with the version of TouchDesigner that they were saved in. TD Trebuchet achieves this by associating itself with toe files, identifying all of your installed TouchDesigner builds, determining the build of the file, then automatically opening the toe file with the build of TouchDesigner that corresponds with that file. If you don’t have the build of TouchDesigner that a file requires, TD Trebuchet will ask what build you wish to use or point you to the installer that you need for that particular build.

TD Trebuchet also operates as a convenient centralized TouchDesigner launcher where you can easily launch any of your installed builds of TouchDesiener.TD Trebuchet is ideal for freelancers, agencies, and community tool builders who need to manage what build of TouchDesigner they are using.

TD Trebuchet is a commercial product available on Gumroad at the introductory price of $15USD. Currently available on Windows only. A MacOS version is in development. If you are interested in a MacOS version please contact

More information available at
