Here you can find a simple and quick way to simulate SOP Text explosion using Blend SOP.
Simply download the .Toe file, insert a text in the Field, left click anywhere on the screen and then release the mouse button!
The process I followed is simple, basically you can create any other SOP with many points as many primitive the Text SOP have.
After converting the SOPtoCHOP, you can use a noise CHOP to move the Points away from their original position.
At the end using a Blend SOP you can move all the point from the position A to their position B.
Probably there are many ways to make things explode, but I think that this little Asset could be interesting to explore for beginners and maybe also for some intermediate that wants to know more tricks.
Added version .32 with TIPS and more information in the .TOE network.
Added a Plasma version, by adding some blur in feedback loop and by coloring edges.
(in good memeories of the plasma gun in duke nukem 3D)
I'm really enjoying creating these self-explanatory Assets for Beginners/Intermediate, if you have any feedback please text me!