


This is a hands-on workshop for artists looking to integrate real-time, interactive visuals into their creative practice. Whether you're new to TouchDesigner or exploring new ways to expand your artistic toolkit, this session offers an accessible introduction to multimedia creation.

Mar 1/st

Interactive Art Workshop using TouchDesigner // Salt Spring Island, BC

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In this tutorial I'll walk you through how to use a free and open-source tool called BlackHole to seamlessly connect Logic Pro X and TouchDesigner for Audio Reactive visuals. This is intended for those that want to use Logic Pro instead of TouchDesigner's TDAbleton tool.

Audio Reactivity With Logic Pro X and TouchDesigner!


In this classic TouchDesigner tutorial we use instancing and feedback to create a psychedelic visual with lots of room for customization. Perfect for ambient music!  Chromatic Aberration .tox:

Psychedelic Flower


Image credits Poster created by Andrew Sun Calling all TD users to join in a night of discussion, project-exploration and networking. 20-30 minute TouchDesigner project shares here in Vancouver, BC. This February edition of TD YVR Meet Up marks our 1 year anniversary! Come celebrate!

Feb 12/th

TouchDesigner YVR - February Edition


This full day in-person beginner workshop will focus on TouchDesigner fundamentals to give you a great base of knowledge to kickoff your learning journey in TouchDesigner. Ben Voigt from Derivative will be your instructor for the workshop.

Feb 22/nd

TouchDesigner Beginner Workshop


Touch Jam Touch Jam is a TouchDesigner meetup that serves as a hub to share, connect, interact, and learn. We feel there is a need for frequent TouchDesigner community gatherings in Amsterdam that bring creatives together and inspire to push the boundaries.

Feb 1/st

Touch Jam 002

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Community Post

Do you want to become a TouchDesigner freelancer or are you already one and want to take a step forward? In this article we share some tips to help you on your journey. To continue reading this post, click here.

TouchDesigner Freelancer Tips

Community Post
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We compare the Orbbec Femto Bolt and the Microsoft Kinect Azure, two powerful depth cameras, to uncover their strengths and differences when used with TouchDesigner. From specific TOP's and CHOPs, tracking precision and software integration, we go through what sets these devices apart.

Orbbec vs Kinect with TouchDesigner

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Community Post

In 2024, we came across some handy TouchDesigner tools and clever add-ons that stood out for their creativity and utility. From streamlining workflows to sparking new ideas, these are the tools that are definitely worth a closer look. To continue reading this post, click here.

Coolest TouchDesigner Tools from 2024

Community Post