


A WebRTC DAT represents a peer on one end of any number of WebRTC peer-to-peer connections.

Each connection is represented in TouchDesigner by a generated UUID. The UUID must be passed to WebrtcDAT Class connection-level python methods.

The WebRTC DAT output is a table formatted with a row per connection, with columns: id (ie. UUID), connection_state, signaling_state, ice_connection_state, and ice_gathering_state.

The columns altogether describe the state of a connection and can also be useful for debugging. For example, if ice_connection_state failed then that means there's an issue pairing local and remote ICE candidates for streaming over the network. It could be that NAT traversal failed, and if using a STUN server that might indicate a need for a TURN server (see

WebRTC video and audio input/output is done via the Video Stream In TOP, Video Stream Out TOP, Audio Stream In CHOP, and Audio Stream Out CHOP.

See also WebRTC.


Parameters - Connection Page

Active active - When active, can connect to peers and send media/data. When deactivated, all existing connections will be closed.

Reset reset - Resets the peer associated with the DAT. Equivalent to deactivating then reactivating the active parameter.

Custom Bit Rate Limits bitratelimits - When enabled, custom min/max bit rates can be specified. These max bit rate limits are expressed in kbps and apply to all tracks associated with the WebRTC DAT.

Minimum Bit Rate (kbps) minbitrate - Minimum bit rate for all tracks associated with the WebRTC DAT.

Maximum Bit Rate (kbps) maxbitrate - Maximum bit rate for all tracks associated with the WebRTC DAT.

Callbacks DAT callbacks - Reference to a DAT containing WebRTC callbacks.

Parameters - ICE Page

STUN Server URL stun - URL of the STUN server. See WebRTC#ICE for more details regarding STUN.

TURN Username username - Username for access to the specified TURN servers.

TURN Password password - Password for access to the specified TURN servers.

TURN Server turn - Sequence of TURN server urls.
TURN Server URL 0 turn0server - URL of the TURN server. See WebRTC#ICE for more details regarding TURN.

Parameters - Common Page

Language language - - Select how the DAT decides which script language to operate on.
  • Input input - The DAT uses the inputs script language.
  • Node node - The DAT uses it's own script language.

Edit/View Extension extension - - Select the file extension this DAT should expose to external editors.
  • dat dat - various common file extensions.
  • frag frag -
  • glsl glsl -
  • html html -
  • md md -
  • py py -
  • rtf rtf -
  • tsv tsv -
  • txt txt -
  • vert vert -
  • xml xml -
  • From Language languageext - pick extension from DATs script language.
  • Custom Extension customext - Specify a custom extension.

Custom Extension customext - Specifiy the custom extension.

Word Wrap wordwrap - - Enable Word Wrap for Node Display.
  • Input input - The DAT uses the inputs setting.
  • On on - Turn on Word Wrap.
  • Off off - Turn off Word Wrap.

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