Vector Class
The vector class holds a single 3 component vector. A vector describes a direction in space, and it's important to use a vector or Position as appropriate for the data that is being calculated. When being multiplied by a Matrix, this class will implicitly have a 4th component (W component) of 0. A new vector can be created without any arguments, with 3 arguments for the x,y,z values, or with a single argument which is a variable that has 3 entries such as a list of length 3, or a position or vector. Examples of creating a vector:
v = tdu.Vector() # starts as (0, 0, 0)
v2 = tdu.Vector(0, 0, -1)
values = [0, 1, 0]
v3 = tdu.Vector(values)
# vectors can be accessed like Python lists
print(v3[1]) # same as v3.y
v3[2] = 1 # same as v3.z
→ float
Gets or sets the X component of the vector.
→ float
Gets or sets the Y component of the vector.
→ float
Gets or sets the Z component of the vector.
→ float
Returns the angel (in degrees) between the current vector and specified vector (vec).
d = v.angle(v2)
scale(x, y, z)
→ None
Scales each component of the vector by the specified values.
- x, y, z - The values to scale each component of the vector by.
v.scale(1, 2, 1)
→ None
Makes the length of this vector 1.
→ float
Returns the length of this vector.
l = m.length()
→ float
Returns the squared length of this vector.
l = v.lengthSquared()
→ tdu.Vector
Returns a new vector that is a copy of the vector.
newV = v.copy()
→ float
Returns the distance of the current vector to specified vector (vec).
l = v.distance(v2)
lerp(vec2, t)
→ tdu.Vector
Returns the linear interpolation of this vector and vec2. That is vec1 * (1.0 - t) + vec2 * t, where vec1 is the current vector. The value for t is not restricted to the range [0, 1].
l = v.lerp(v2, t)
slerp(vec2, t)
→ tdu.Vector
Returns the spherical interpolation of this vector and vec2. The value for t is not restricted to the range [0, 1].
l = v.slerp(v2, t)
→ float
Returns the dot product of this vector and the passed vector.
- vec - The other vector to use to calculate the dot product
d =
→ tdu.Vector
Returns the cross product of this vector and the passed vector. The operation is self cross vec.
- vec - The other vector to use to calculate the cross product.
c = v.cross(otherV)
project(vec, vec)
→ None
Projects this vector onto the plan defined by vec1 and vec2. Both vec1 and vec2 must be normalized. The result may not be normalized.
- vec1, vec2 - The vectors that specify the plane to project onto. Must be normalized.
v.project(v1, v2)
→ None
Reflects the current vector about the specified vector (vec).
Special Functions
→ float
Gets or sets the component of the vector specified by i, where i can be 0, 1, or 2.
y = v[1] v[1] = y * 2.0
tdu.Vector * float
→ tdu.Vector
Scales the vector by the give float scalar and returns a new vector as the result.
v = v * 2.0 v = 2.0 * v
tdu.Vector + float
→ tdu.Vector
Adds the given scalar to all 3 components of the vector and returns a new vector as the result.
v = v + 5.0 v = 5.0 + v
tdu.Vector - float
→ tdu.Vector
Subtracts the given scalar from all 3 components of the vector and returns a new vector as the result.
v = v - 1.5 v = 1.5 - v
tdu.Vector + tdu.Vector
→ tdu.Vector
Adds the two vectors to create a new vector.
v3 = v1 + v2
tdu.Vector - tdu.Vector
→ tdu.Vector
Subtracts the two vectors to create a new vector.
v3 = v1 - v2
tdu.Vector += tdu.Vector
→ tdu.Vector
Adds the 2nd vector to the 1st vector, the 1st vector will contain the result of the operation.
v1 += v2
tdu.Vector += float
→ tdu.Vector
Adds the given scalar to all 3 components of the vector, the vector will contain the result of the operation.
v1 += 0.4
tdu.Vector -= tdu.Vector
→ tdu.Vector
Subtracts the 2nd vector from the 1st vector, the 1st vector will contain the result of the operation.
v1 -= v2
tdu.Matrix * tdu.Vector
→ tdu.Vector
Multiplies the vector by the matrix and returns the a new vector as the result. Since a Vector is direction only and has no notion of a position, the translate part of the matrix does not get applied to the vector.
v = M * v
tdu.Vector / float
→ tdu.Vector
Divides each component of the vector by the scalar and returns the a new vector as the result.
v = v / 0.2
tdu.Vector *= tdu.Matrix
→ tdu.Vector
Multiplies the vector by the matrix, the vector will contain the result. The vector is multiplied on the right of the matrix. This is the same as doing v = M * v, although more efficient since it doesn't require assigning a new vector to v. Since a Vector is direction only and has no notion of a position, the translate part of the matrix does not get applied to the vector.
v *= M
tdu.Vector *= float
→ tdu.Vector
Scales all 3 components of the vector by the given scalar. The vector will contain the result.
v *= 1.1
tdu.Vector *= tdu.Vector
→ tdu.Vector
Does a component-wise scale of all 3 components of the vector by the components of the 2nd vector. The vector will contain the result.
v1 *= v2
→ tdu.Vector
Returns a new vector with all 3 components being the absolute value of the given vector's components.
v2 = abs(v1)
→ tdu.Vector
Returns a new vector with all 3 components being negated.
v2 = -v1
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