


The UDP Out DAT is used to send information over a UDP connection to/from a remotely-located computer. Use the sendBytes() or send() methods of the udpoutDAT_Class to send messages.

Although is it an 'Out' node, it can receive reply messages from the machine(s) it sends to. The messages will appear in the DAT's contents (just like the UDP In DAT).

See also UDP In DAT, Touch Out DAT and TCP/IP DAT.

NOTE for Windows OS - If experiencing connection issues make sure Windows Firewall is disabled.


Parameters - Connect Page

Active active - This check box enables the connection.

Protocol protocol - - Selects the network protocol to use. Refer to the Network Protocols article for more information.
  • Messaging (UDP) msging -
  • Multi-Cast Messaging (UDP) multicastmsging -

Network Address address - You can put an IP address (e.g., or a machine name to send to. If you put "localhost", it means the other end of the pipe is on the same computer. If you are using multi-cast you should put the multi-cast address you want to send to here.

Port port - The network port to send to.

Shared Connection shared - Use the same connection as other networking DATs using the same network protocol.

Row/Callback Format format - - Determines how the incoming data is parsed.
  • One Per Byte perbyte - One row is added to the table per byte received.
  • One Per Line perline - One row is added to the table per line received. The end of a line is delimited by \n, \r or a null character (\0).
  • One Per Message permessage - One row is added to the table per message received.

Local Address localaddress - Specify an IP address to send from, useful when the system has mulitple NICs (Network Interface Card) and you want to select which one to use.

Local Port Mode localportmode - - Choose between automatically or manually selecting local port to use.
  • Automatic automatic -
  • Manual manual -

Local Port localport - When the above parameter is set to 'Manual', enter the port number to use here.

Parameters - Received Data Page

Callbacks DAT callbacks - The Callbacks DAT will execute once for each message coming in.

Execute from executeloc - - Determines the location the script is run from.
  • Current Node current - The script is executed from the current node location.
  • Callbacks DAT callbacks - The script is executed from the location of the DAT specified in the Callbacks DAT parameter.
  • Specified Operator op - The script is executed from the operator specified in the From Operator parameter below.

From Operator fromop - The operator whose state change will trigger the DAT to execute its script when Execute from is set to Specified Operator. This operator is also the path that the script will be executed from if the Execute from parameter is set to Specified Operator.

Clamp Output clamp - The DAT is limited to 100 messages by default but with Clamp Output, this can be set to anything including unlimited.

Maximum Lines maxlines - Limits the number of messages, older messages are removed from the list first.

Clear Output clear - Deletes all lines except the heading. To clear with a python script op("opname").par.clear.pulse()

Bytes Column bytes - Outputs the raw bytes of the message in a separate column.

Parameters - Common Page

Language language - - Select how the DAT decides which script language to operate on.
  • Input input - The DAT uses the inputs script language.
  • Node node - The DAT uses it's own script language.

Edit/View Extension extension - - Select the file extension this DAT should expose to external editors.
  • dat dat - various common file extensions.
  • From Language language - pick extension from DATs script language.
  • Custom Extension custom - Specify a custom extension.

Custom Extension customext - Specifiy the custom extension.

Word Wrap wordwrap - - Enable Word Wrap for Node Display.
  • Input input - The DAT uses the inputs setting.
  • On on - Turn on Word Wrap.
  • Off off - Turn off Word Wrap.

Info CHOP Channels

Extra Information for the UDP Out DAT can be accessed via an Info CHOP.

Specific UDP Out DAT Info Channels

  • messages_pending -

Common DAT Info Channels

  • num_rows - Number of rows in this DAT.
  • num_cols - Number of columns in this DAT.

Common Operator Info Channels

  • total_cooks - Number of times the operator has cooked since the process started.
  • cook_time - Duration of the last cook in milliseconds.
  • cook_frame - Frame number when this operator was last cooked relative to the component timeline.
  • cook_abs_frame - Frame number when this operator was last cooked relative to the absolute time.
  • cook_start_time - Time in milliseconds at which the operator started cooking in the frame it was cooked.
  • cook_end_time - Time in milliseconds at which the operator finished cooking in the frame it was cooked.
  • cooked_this_frame - 1 if operator was cooked this frame.
  • warnings - Number of warnings in this operator if any.
  • errors - Number of errors in this operator if any.

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