


The Text COMP is a panel used to display text for building user interfaces. The text can be view-only, view-only but copy/pasteable, or be fully editable directly in the panel.

There are formatting modes for displaying single-line strings and multi-line text, floating point and integer numbers, password fields and more. The source of the text comes from the Text parameter and it is then formatted for display in the panel. Formatting examples include displaying a number as a currency, percent or scientific notation, or converting an integer timecode value to hours/minutes/seconds/frames. Other formatting options include support for Python syntax, Custom C++ Fmt and Custom Python F-String syntax.

When a user clicks in the panel to edit the text, the contents are displayed in a raw format and then formatted again once the editing is completed.

The Text COMP supports inline formatting directives in the text for things like color, strikeouts, underlines, small caps, subscripts, gradients, etc. For example, the code {#color(255, 0, 0);} will turn all text that follows on that line red.

It has text-fitting options for wraparound, shrinking text if it doesn't fit, left-center-right alignment and language reading direction. View-only text can be selectable or not selectable.

You can draw multiple transformed/formatted strings using a "Specification DAT" table: It draws one string per row of the table, each with its own position and formatting in your panel. Columns can be x, y, text, fontsize, fontcolorr, fontcolorg, fontcolorb, fontalpha, skew, tracking and horzstretch. You can also use a Specification CHOP for the numeric values of the text attributes.

Every row of the Spec DAT represents a "block" or "text block". Every Spec DAT contains a column named text which is the string that overrides the Text parameter.

It has python callbacks that can be executed for every character or string that has changed, and a callback for change of focus.

Resolution-independent text is drawn directly to the screen at the resolution required for the panel size, resulting in perfectly crisp text at all zoom levels. It is GPU-based using the Slug Library.

Units for X, Y, Width and Height are in "panel units" whereas they were actual pixel units before. Default Font Size, Text Offsets and Padding are in panel units.

See Operator Snippets for examples of the Text COMP.

See Text Formatting Codes

See also Geo Text COMP for the 3D rendered equivalent of the Text COMP.

Note: The Text COMP is a replacement for the Field COMP, completely replacing it and adding many new features not previously available.


Parameters - Text Page

Mode mode - - Controls whether the contents are taken from the Text parameter or from a Specification DAT/CHOP.
  • Text text -
  • Specification DAT/CHOP specdat -
Text text - This parameter is the data source for the text that is displayed in the panel. The value may be a number, string, or a reference to an external data source using a python or bind expression. When the text is edited by the user in the panel, those changes will be saved back to this value or to the original data source it is bound to. For example, you can bind the text in the panel to the contents of a DAT cell using a bind expression like 'op('table1')[0,0]'

Specification DAT specdat - A path to a Table DAT that is the source of the text data when in Specification mode. The table should have 3 columns labeled x, y and text in their first rows. Each row after that will display one line of text at the given x, y coordinates as measured from the bottom-left corner. x and y are measured in panel units.

Specification CHOP specchop - A path to a CHOP that can provide numerical data when in Specification mode. Channels named x and y can be used to position the text data specified in the Specificaction DAT. Each data row in the DAT should have a corresponding sample in the CHOP.

Type type - - The Type parameter controls how the value is interpreted and as well as what formatting and editing options are available.
  • String string - The value is interpreted as a single line of text. If the source text contains multiple lines, they will be appended into one line. This mode is useful for simply labels or as an input field for data.
  • Float float - The value is treated as a floating point number before it is formatted for display in the panel. When editing, only numeric digits are accepted.
  • Integer integer - The value is treated as a whole integer number before it is formatted for display in the panel. When editing, only numeric digits are accepted. Integer mode can be used for formatting time codes and other whole numbers.
  • Multi Line multiline - Use this mode when displaying longer text that spans multiple lines. Lines are broken by a new line character (\n), or they can be set to wrap at the bounds of the panel. Note: Use expression mode for the Text parameter when entering new line characters using the '\n' escape sequence. Escape sequences are ignored and treated as literals when the parameter is in constance mode.
  • Password password - Use this mode to simulate a password box where the formatted text is replaced with dots. Note: While the password is not visible in the panel, it is not secure and is still displayed in the value parameter and is accessible with python.
  • Specification DAT specdat - In this mode, the Text parameter is ignored and data is taken from a DAT table given in the Specification DAT parameter. This mode can be used for displaying multiple single line strings at arbitrary locations inside the panel. This mode does not support editing the text directly in the panel. The table must contain at least 3 columns labeled x, y and text in their first rows. Each subsequent row will display one line of text at the given x, y coordinates. x and y are given in panel units measured from the bottom-left. The alignment parameters can be used to position the text relative to each x, y point.
Formatting formatting - - This parameter controls how the source text is is formatted and displayed inside the panel. The options available will change depending on the selected mode. For example, in Float mode there are options for scientific notation or percentage, while in Integer mode there are options to treat the source value as a time code.
  • Default default - This option is available in all modes and applies minimal formatting to the source value.
  • Custom (Fmt Syntax) customfmt - The text value is formatted using the c++ Fmt syntax where the source text is value 0. In Float mode, the width is also available as value 1 and the precision is value 2. See the Fmt documentation for more details.
  • Custom (Python F-String Syntax e.g. {val} ) customfstring - The text value is formatted using the Python F-String syntax where the source text is available in the variable 'val'. In this format, anything between the curly braces is treated as a python expression, which allows easy mixing of literal text and dynamic expressions.
Custom Formatting customformatting - This parameter provides the formatting string for custom modes like Python F-String and C++ Fmt. In both cases, the source text is defined inside curly braces ( {} ) while text outside the braces is treated as constants.

Precision precision - Used in Float mode to set the number of decimal places.

Thousands Separator thousandsseparator - - Used in Float and Integer mode to add a separator between thousands to make it easier to read large numbers. For example 1,000,000
  • None none - Do not add a separator.
  • Space space - Use a half space character to separate thousands i.e. 1 000 000
  • Comma comma - Use a comma to separate thousands 1,000,000
Framerate framerate - Sets the number of frames per second when formatting integers into time codes.

Use Smart Punctuation smartquote - Enables the use of smart punctuation. For example, pairs of quotes will be replaced with appropriate angled quotes, 3 periods will be replaced with an ellipses character and two hypens will become an em-dash.

Formatting Codes formatcodes - Enables the use of formatting directives in the text. For example, the code {#color(255, 0, 0);} will turn all text afterwards on that line red. See Text Formatting Codes for all available codes.

Smart Punctuation smartpunct - Enables the use of smart punctuation. For example, pairs of quotes will be replaced with appropriate angled quotes, 3 periods will be replaced with an ellipses character and two hypens will become an em-dash.

Word Wrap wordwrap - Enables word wrap and can only be used when the 'Type' parameter above is set to 'Multi Line'. Word wrap will split single lines of text onto multiple lines when they extend past the edge of the panel. The panel width is based on the Width parameter minus the left and right padding. Lines are generally broken at spaces, tabs or hypens, but can be broken mid word if a single word is longer than the page.

Edit Mode editmode - - Controls whether the text can be editing directly in the viewer.
  • Locked locked - The text is read only and cannot be edited in the viewer.
  • Editable editable - Clicking in an active viewer will begin edit mode, allowing the text to be edited directly in the viewer. When the viewer loses focus, by clicking outside or hitting enter or escape, the contents of the viewer will be saved back to Text parameter. If the Text parameter contains a bind expression, the text will be saved back to the member on the other side of the bind i.e. another parameter, DAT cell or python attribute.
  • Select Only selectonly - The text in the viewer can be selected and copied, but cannot be changed.
  • Editable (Continuous Update) editablecontinuous - Similar to the 'Editable' option, but the value is saved back to the source after every key stroke rather than just after the viewer loses focus.
Shift-Enter for New Line shiftenter - In multiline mode, when this option is enabled, pressing Enter will complete editing and save the value and users must hold Shift and Enter if they wish to create a new line.

Reading Direction readingdirection - - Use this parameter to control whether the text is displayed from left-to-right (LTR) or from right-to-left (RTL). Bidirectional layout is also supported when LTR characters are detected when using RTL mode.
  • Left To Right lefttoright -
  • Right To Left righttoleft -
Drag Drop Behaviour dragdropmode - - This parameter controls what happens when a user drags something onto an active panel.
  • Use Panel System panel - Use the standard drag/drop controls.
  • Replace Text textreplace - Automatically replace the text with text contents of the object being dragged. For example, if a node is dragged onto the viewer, the text will be replaced with the path for that node.
  • Append Text textappend - Automatically append the text contents of the object being dragged onto the current contents of the view. For example, if a node is dragged onto the viewer, the path of that node will be added to the end of the current text.
Focus Order fieldfocus - A path to a Table DAT containing a list of component paths that is used to control which panel receives the focus when a user hits TAB or Shift+Tab during editing.

Drag Drop Behavior dragdropmode - - This parameter controls what happens when a user drags something onto an active panel.
  • Use Panel System panel -
  • Insert Text textinsert -
  • Replace Text textreplace -
  • Append Text textappend -
Callbacks DAT callbacks - The path of a Text DAT containing python callback functions that can be used to react to different events in the viewer.

Parameters - Font Page

Legacy Font Selection legacyfontselection - Enable to select the font using the legacy system of bold and italic toggles. In the new system, bold and italic options can be chosen using the typeface parameter when available.

Font font - Select the font to be used from the dropdown menu. Available fonts are those that have been registered with the operating system. There may be a delay when selecting fonts that have not been used before as the system creates the necessary intermediate files required for rendering.

Font File fontfile - Specify a font file to be used for rendering the text. This option can be used for fonts that are not registered with the operating system and do not appear in the drop down menu.

Typeface typeface - - Select a specific typeface for the current font e.g. Bold, Regular, Italic, etc. Not applicable in legacy font mode.
  • Regular Regular -
  • Italic Italic -
  • Bold Bold -
  • Bold Italic Bold Italic -
Bold bold - Display the text in bold.

Italic italic - Display the text in italics.

Drop Shadow dropshadow - Draw a drop shadow under the text.

Scale Text to Fit scaletofit - - Automatically adjust the font size to fit inside the panel.
  • Never never - Use the given font size and do not scale the text.
  • Always always - Scale the text so that it fills the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the panel while still maintaining its original proportions.
  • Only when Too Large onlyshrink - In this mode, the text is only scaled if it is too large to fit inside the panel. Text that is smaller than the panel, will remain at its original font size.
Font Size fontsize - Set the size of the font. By default the font is defined in resolution-independent panel units that will be rendered to a variable number of pixels depending on DPI settings of the output window (e.g. monitor scaling).

Font Size Units fontsizeunits - - Determines how the font size is interpretted. The default is resolution-independent panel units.
  • P panelunits - A resolution-independent unit that is rendered to a variable number of pixels depending on the current DPI settings of the display device.
  • F fract - A percentage of the panel height i.e. 0.5 is 50% or half of the panel height. 1.0 would be the full height of the panel.
  • A relfract -
  • Pt points - Set the font size using points which are defined using the Windows convention that at 100% display scaling (1 panel unit = 1 pixel), 96 pixels is 72 points or the equavalent of 1.333 panel units.
Tracking tracking - Sets the horizontal spacing between characters, where 0 is default spacing, > 0 is increased spacing and < 0 is decreased spacing.

Skew skew - Tilts the top of the characters forwards or backwards relative to the baseline.

Horz Stretch horzstretch - Horizontally stretch the characters relative to their current alignment.

Line Spacing linespacing - The spacing between lines when using multiline mode. The value is a multiplier of the default spacing which is defined as 1.2 * font size.

Font Color fontcolor - - The default color of the text. Additional colors can be applied to separate parts of the text using formatting codes.
  • Font Color fontcolorr -
  • Font Color fontcolorg -
  • Font Color fontcolorb -
Font Alpha fontalpha - The blending value used to display the text over the background. 1 is opaque while 0 is transparent.

Custom Select Color customselectcolor - Enable this parameter to define a custom color used for the selection bar when editing the text. When disabled, the selection color will be automatically chosen to maximize contrast between the background and text colors.

Select Color selectcolor - - The color of the selection bar when Custom Select Color is enabled.
  • Select Color selectcolorr -
  • Select Color selectcolorg -
  • Select Color selectcolorb -
Text Offset textoffset - - An offset applied to the text position after any other alignment operations. Positive values move the text up and to the right.
  • Text Offset textoffsetx -
  • Text Offset textoffsety -
Text Offset Units textoffsetunits - - Determine the units used by the Text Offset parameter.
  • P panelunits -
  • F fract -
  • A relfract -
  • Pt points -
Text Padding textpadding - - Set the amount of space between the edges of the panel and the text. Whether the padding has an effect on the position of the text depends on the current alignment mode and whether word wrapping is used. For example, if the text is left aligned, the text will be positioned away from the left edge based on the left padding. But the text may extend any distance from the right edge depending on the length of the text. However, if word wrap is enabled in multiline mode, then the text will be wrapped at a distance from the right edge based on the padding.
  • Text Padding textpaddingl -
  • Text Padding textpaddingr -
  • Text Padding textpaddingb -
  • Text Padding textpaddingt -
Text Padding Units textpaddingunits - - The units used by the text padding.
  • P panelunits -
  • F fract -
  • A relfract -
  • Pt points -
Horizontal Align alignx - - Determines how the text is positioned horizontally in the panel. For example, with left alignment, the text will be positioned against the left side of the panel plus any defined padding.
  • Left left -
  • Center center -
  • Right right -
Horizontal Align Mode alignxmode - - Determines how the text is measured for calculating the alignment. Only font metrics are available when using Multiline or Specification DAT mode.
  • Use Font Metrics metrics - Uses the general dimensions of the font rather than the specific characters of the text. Use this setting to maintain a constant alignment when the text may be changing.
  • Use Text Bounding Box bbox - Uses the exact dimensions of the current string to do the alignment. This is useful when trying to align special characters like forward slashes that may not align with the standard character box.
Vertical Align aligny - - Determines how the text is positioned vertically inside the panel.
  • Bottom bottom -
  • Center center - When using Font Metrics alignment, centering is based on the distance from the baseline to the defined ascent (usually the height of the capital Latin characters) for the font. Descending characters like 'g' or 'j' are not accounted for.
  • Top top -
  • Baseline baseline -
Vertical Align Mode alignymode - - Determines how the text is measured when doing the vertical alignment.
  • Use Font Metrics metrics - The vertical alignment is based on the general size of the font i.e. the font may be positioned a small distance from the bottom of the panel to account for any descending characters like 'g' or 'j' even if those characters are not present in the text. Use this setting to maintain a constant alignment when the text may be changing or is unknown.
  • Use Text Bounding Box bbox - The vertical alignment is based on the specific characters of the text e.g. text with no descending characters may be positioned directly against the bottom edge when using bottom alignment.

Parameters - Layout Page

The Layout parameter page controls the size and position of the panel.

X x - Specify the horizontal position in pixels relative to its parent.

Y y - Specify the vertical position in pixels relative to its parent.

Width w - Specify the panel's width in pixels.

Height h - Specify the Panel's height in pixels.

Fixed Aspect fixedaspect - - Allows easy creation of panels with a specific aspect set in the Aspect Ratio parameter below. Only requires setting the width or height of the panel and the other dimension is calculated based on the Aspect Ratio parameter.
  • Off off -
  • Use Horizontal horizontal -
  • Use Vertical vertical -

Aspect Ratio aspect - Specify the ratio when using Fixed Aspect parameter above, the ratio is width/height.

Depth Layer layer - Specifies the order the panel components are drawn in, similar to layers in Photoshop. Higher values will be drawn over any other panel with a lower value (that is at the same level of hierarchy). If two panel components have the same Depth Layer value then they are ordered based on the operator's name.

Horizontal Mode hmode - - Select one of 3 modes to determine the horizontal width of the panel.
  • Fixed Width fixed - Uses the Width parameter above to set this panel's width in pixels.
  • Fill fill - The width of this panel will match (fill) the width of the parent panel.
  • Anchors anchors - The width of this panel is set by the Left Anchor and Right Anchor parameters below which will maintain a relative width to the parent panel as the parent panel changes size. This allows for stretchy panels. These anchor parameters are normalized 0-1 like uv coordinates where 0 is the left edge and 1 is the right edge of the parent panel. For example, Left Anchor = 0.2 and Right Anchor = 0.8 will maintain the width proportionally to the parent panel such that the left edge is 20% (0.2) in from the left and the right edge is 20% (0.8) in from the right.

Left Anchor leftanchor - Position of the left anchor of the panel with respect to the parent. This value is normalized 0-1, 0 is the left edge of the parent and 1 is the right edge of the parent.

Left Offset leftoffset - An offset for the left anchor in pixels.

Right Anchor rightanchor - Position of the right anchor of the panel with respect to the parent. This value is normalized 0-1, 0 is the left edge of the parent and 1 is the right edge of the parent.

Right Offset rightoffset - An offset for the right anchor in pixels.

Horizontal Origin horigin - Sets the position of the panel's origin horizontally. The default origin (0,0) is the bottom-left corner of the panel.

Horizontal Fill Weight hfillweight - When multiple panels are using Horizontal Mode = Fill and being aligned by the parent either Left to Right or Right to Left, this fill weight parameter can be used to bias the fill width of the panels.

Vertical Mode vmode - - Select one of 3 modes to determine the vertical height of the panel.
  • Fixed Height fixed - Uses the Height parameter above to set this panel's height in pixels.
  • Fill fill - The height of this panel will match (fill) the height of the parent panel.
  • Anchors anchors - The height of this panel is set by the Bottom Anchor and Top Anchor parameters below which will maintain a relative and proportionally height to the parent panel as the parent panel changes size. This allows for stretchy panels. These anchor parameters are normalized 0-1 like uv coordinates where 0 is the bottom edge and 1 is the top edge of the parent panel. For example, Bottom Anchor = 0.3 and Right Anchor = 0.5 will maintain the height proportionally to the parent panel such that the bottom edge is 30% (0.3) up from the bottom and the top edge is 50% (0.5) down from the top.

Bottom Anchor bottomanchor - Position of the bottom anchor of the panel with respect to the parent. This value is normalized 0-1, 0 is the bottom edge of the parent and 1 is the top edge of the parent.

Bottom Offset bottomoffset - An offset for the bottom anchor in pixels.

Top Anchor topanchor - Position of the top anchor of the panel with respect to the parent. This value is normalized 0-1, 0 is the bottom edge of the parent and 1 is the top edge of the parent.

Top Offset topoffset - An offset for the top anchor in pixels.

Vertical Origin vorigin - Sets the position of the panel's origin vertically. The default origin (0,0) is the bottom-left corner of the panel.

Vertical Fill Weight vfillweight - When multiple panels are using Vertical Mode = Fill and being aligned by the parent either Top to Bottom or Bottom to Top, this fill weight parameter can be used to bias the fill height of the panels.

Parent Alignment alignallow - - When set to Ignore, the Panel will ignore any Align parameter settings from its parent.
  • Allow allow - Aligns the panel based on settings in parent.
  • Ignore ignore - Does not align the panel but respects margins.
  • Ignore and Ignore Margins ignoremargin - Does not align the panel and disregards margins.

Align Order alignorder - This parameter allows you to specify the align position when its parent's Align parameter is set to something other then None or Match Network Nodes. Lower numbers are first.

Post Offset postoffset - - Adds an offset after all other postions and alignment options have been applied to the panel.
  • X postoffsetx -
  • Y postoffsety -

Size from Window sizefromwindow - When enabled the panel component's width and height are set by resizing its floating viewer window.

Parameters - Panel Page

The Panel parameter page controls panel attributes such as display on/off, enable on/off, panel help, and interactions with the cursor.

Display display - Specifies if the panel is displayed or hidden. Changing this parameter may incur some layout processing costs. For simple cases, such as overlays it is more performant to adjust the opacity parameter instead.

Enable enable - Allows you to prevent all interaction with this panel.

Help DAT helpdat - Lets you specify the path to a Text DAT whose content will be displayed as a rollover pop-up help for the control panel.

Cursor cursor - - Changes the cursor displayed when cursor is over the panel.
  • Normal Select pointer -
  • Link Select linkselect -
  • Text Select ibeam -
  • Precision Select cross -
  • Busy busy -
  • Activate activate -
  • Invisible invisible -
Multi-Touch multitouch - - When enabled, this panel will process the first touch it gets in a similar manner to how it processes a mouse click, with updates to u, v, state etc. The touch event must be initiated from the panel. Subsequent touches are ignored. If this panel handles multi-touch events via the Multi Touch In DAT, you may want to disable Built-in Multi-Touch so it won't interfere with script processing.
  • Use Parent's Multi-Touch Settings mtouchparent - Use the parent's Multi-Touch setting. This defaults to enabled in the root component.
  • Use Built-in Multi-Touch mtouchyes - Enable use of first touch as mouse.
  • Do Not Use Built-in Multi-Touch mtouchno - Disable use of first touch as mouse.
Constrain Cursor constraincursor - Constrains the cursor to this panel, keeping it inside once it enters.

Click Through clickthrough - When enabled all mouse clicks are ignored by this Panel Component.

Use Mouse Wheel mousewheel - Turn on to capture events when the mouse wheel is used over the panel.

Mouse UV Buttons uvbuttons - - Allows you to specify which mouse buttons update the uv Panel Values.
  • Left uvbuttonsleft -
  • Middle uvbuttonsmiddle -
  • Right uvbuttonsright -
Relative UV mouserel - When enabled the uv Panel Values will reflect relative mouse movement.

Drag Edges to Resize resize - - Four checkboxes allow you to enable resizing a panel by grabbing the corresponding edge or corner: Resize Left, Right, Bottom, Top.
  • L resizel -
  • R resizer -
  • B resizeb -
  • T resizet -
W Range resizew - - Limits the left-right (width) resizing range.
  • resizewmin -
  • resizewmax -
H Range resizeh - - Limits the bottom-top (height) resizing range.
  • resizehmin -
  • resizehmax -
Drag to Reposition reposition - - Enables repositioning of the panel or window by dragging with the mouse.
  • Off off -
  • Window window -
  • Component component -
Component repocomp - Enabled by choosing the Component option from the Reposition parameter. Specify the path to the panel component you would like to reposition by mouse.

X Range repositionx - - Enabled by choosing the Component option from the Reposition parameter. Sets the maximum range for repositioning the panel component horizontally.
  • repositionxmin -
  • repositionxmax -
Y Range repositiony - - Enabled by choosing the Component option from the Reposition parameter. Sets the maximum range for repositioning the panel component vertically.
  • repositionymin -
  • repositionymax -
Anchor Drag anchordrag - - When Drag To Reposition parameter is set to Component, and the panel's Horizontal Mode and/or Vertical Mode is set to Anchors, this menu determines whether drag-to-reposition actions change Anchor values or Offset values.
  • Anchors anchors - Drag-to-reposition actions change Anchor parameter values
  • Offsets offsets - Drag-to-reposition actions change Offset parameter values
Scroll Overlay scrolloverlay - - Controls whether the panel is affected by scrollbar position. This allows the creation of panel overlays that aren't affected by the panel's scrollbars.
  • Off off - Scrollbar affects panel normally.
  • Ignore ignore - Panel will not move when scrollbar is moved. Panel depth is determined by Depth Layer parameter normally.
  • Ignore and Draw Over ignoreover - Panel will not move when scrollbar is moved. Panel is drawn over scrollbars and sibling panels.

Parameters - Look Page

The Color parameter page sets the panel's background, border, and disabled colors.

Background Color bgcolor - - RGB values for the background. (default: black (0,0,0))
  • Red bgcolorr -
  • Green bgcolorg -
  • Blue bgcolorb -

Background Alpha bgalpha - Set the alpha value for the background.

Background TOP top - Allows you to specify a TOP as the background for the panel.

TOP Fill topfill - - This menu specifies the way the Background TOP will fill the panel's background.
  • Stretch off -
  • Fill Width horizontal -
  • Fill Height vertical -
  • Fill Best best -
  • Native Resolution native -

TOP Smoothness topsmoothness - - This menu controls background TOP's viewer smoothness settings. In previous builds of TouchDesigner, this was always 'Mipmap Pixels', so old files will load with this setting whereas the default for new Panel COMP's is 'Interpolate Pixels'.
  • Nearest Pixel nearest - Uses nearest pixel or accurate image representation. Images will look jaggy when viewing at any zoom level other than Native Resolution.
  • Interpolate Pixels linear - Uses linear filtering between pixels. Use this to get TOP images in viewers to look good at various zoom levels, especially useful when using any Fill Viewer setting other than Native Resolution.
  • Mipmap Pixels mipmap - Uses mipmap filtering when scaling images. This can be used to reduce artifacts and sparkling in moving/scaling images that have lots of detail. When the input is 32-bit float format, only nearest filtering will be used (regardless of what is selected).

Border A bordera - - RGB values for border A color.
  • Red borderar -
  • Green borderag -
  • Blue borderab -

Border A Alpha borderaalpha - Alpha value for border A color.

Border B borderb - - RGBA values for border B color.
  • Red borderbr -
  • Green borderbg -
  • Blue borderbb -

Border B Alpha borderbalpha - Alpha value for border B color.

Left Border leftborder - What color the 2 left-most pixels are. Options are 0 (no change), Border A (uses color defined in Border A), or Border B (uses color defined in Border B).

Left Border Inside leftborderi - Same as above parameter but used for an inside border.

Right Border rightborder - What color the 2 right-most pixels are. Options are 0 (no change), Border A (uses color defined in Border A), or Border B (uses color defined in Border B).

Right Border Inside rightborderi - Same as above parameter but used for an inside border.

Bottom Border bottomborder - What color the 2 bottom-most pixels are. Options are 0 (no change), Border A (uses color defined in Border A), or Border B (uses color defined in Border B).

Bottom Border Inside bottomborderi - Same as above parameter but used for an inside border.

Top Border topborder - What color the 2 top-most pixels are. Options are 0 (no change), Border A (uses color defined in Border A), or Border B (uses color defined in Border B).

Top Border Inside topborderi - Same as above parameter but used for an inside border.

Border Over Children borderover - Draws the panel's borders on top of all children panels.

Disable Color dodisablecolor - Enable the use of a unique disable color below when the panel's Enable = Off.

Disable Color disablecolor - - RGB values for the disable color. (default: black (0,0,0))
  • Red disablecolorr -
  • Green disablecolorg -
  • Blue disablecolorb -

Disable Alpha disablealpha - Set the alpha value for the disable color.

Multiply RGB by Alpha multrgb - Multiplies the RGB channels by the alpha channel.

Composite composite - - Selects how the panel is composited with its siblings panels. See the Composite TOP for a description of the various composite methods.
  • Over over -
  • Under under -
  • Inside inside -
  • Outside outside -
  • Add add -
  • Subtract subtract -
  • Multiply multiply -

Opacity opacity - Allows you to control the transparency of the panel.

Parameters - Children Page

The Children parameter page controls aspects of the Panel's children alignment, size, and position.

Align align - - This menu allows you to specify how the children inside the Panel Component will be laid out. The options Layout Grid Rows, Layout Grid Columns and Match Network Nodes will scale the Panel Component's children to fit the Component. They use the Align Order of each of the children to determine the ordering of the children.
  • None none -
  • Left to Right horizlr -
  • Right to Left horizrl -
  • Top to Bottom verttb -
  • Bottom to Top vertbt -
  • Grid Rows gridrows -
  • Grid Columns gridcols -
  • Match Network Nodes nodes -
Spacing spacing - This is enabled by choosing any Align option other than None or Match Network Nodes. It defines the space between the children when they are being aligned.

Max per Line alignmax - This is enabled by choosing any Align option other than None, Layout Grid Horizontal, Layout Grid Vertical, or Match Network Nodes, and defines the maximum number of children placed in one row or column.

Margin margin - - The four fields allow you to specify the space that surrounds the Panel Component. The margin is the space between the Panel Component's border and the outer edge.

The Margin is defined in absolute pixels and does not stretch with the window, as a result margin is not reflected in the node's panel viewer but only when the parent is drawn in a floating window.

  • L marginl -
  • R marginr -
  • B marginb -
  • T margint -
Justify Mathod justifymethod - - This menu specifies if the panel's children are being justified as a group or individually using the Jusitfy Horizontal / Vertical parameters below.
  • individual individual - Align all children individually, separately from each other.
  • Group group - Align all children as a group. First group all children into a bounding box, then align that box.
Justify Horizontal justifyh - - This menu specifies if the panel's children are being justified horizontally.
  • Off off -
  • Left left -
  • Center center -
  • Right right -
Justify Vertical justifyv - - This menu specifies if the panel's children are being justified vertically.
  • Off off -
  • Top top -
  • Center center -
  • Bottom bottom -
Fit fit - - This menu allows you to scale the panel's children. It overrides the Justify Horizontal and Justify Vertical parameters.
  • Off off -
  • Fit Width horizontal -
  • Fit Height vertical -
  • Fit Best best -
Scale scale - - Allows you to uniformly scale the Panel's children.
  • X scalex -
  • Y scaley -
Offset offset - - Allows you to offset the Panel's children. This parameter is overwritten by the Align, Justify Horizontal, and Justify Vertical parameters above.
  • X offsetx -
  • Y offsety -
Crop crop - - This menu determines if any children panels which are positioned partially or completely outside the panel component's dimensions get cropped.
  • Off (Use Parent) off -
  • On on -
  • Never never -
Horizontal Scrollbar phscrollbar - - Setting for horizontal scrollbar on this panel.
  • Off off - No scrollbar.
  • On on - Always include scrollbar.
  • Automatic auto - Include scrollbar only when child width is greater than this panel's width.
Vertical Scrollbar pvscrollbar - - Setting for vertical scrollbar on this panel.
  • Off off - No scrollbar.
  • On on - Always include scrollbar.
  • Automatic auto - Include scrollbar only when child height is greater than this panel's height.
Thickness scrollbarthickness - Set the thickness of the scrollbars in pixels.

Parameters - Drag/Drop Page

Please refer to Drag-and-Drop for a full explanation on how Drag and Drop between Panel Components functions.

When Dragging This drag - - Specify if this Panel Component can be dragged.
  • Use Parent's Drag Settings dragparent - Follow the parent Panel Components Drag setting.
  • Legacy Drag System legacy - Allow Dragging for this Panel Component. Use the Paramters Drag Script, Drop Destination Script and Dropped Operator to control the behaviour.
  • Do Not Allow Drag dragno - Disallows Dragging for this Panel Component.

Drag Script dragscript - Specify a script that will be executed when starting to drag a Panel Component. Please refer to the Drag Script section of the Drag and Drop page.

Drop Destination Script dropdestscript - Specify a script that will be executed when the dragged Panel Component is dropped. A temporary network is created and the component (or the alternative operator specified in Dropped Component) is copied to this network. You can add or modify operators in this network. Please refer to the Drop Destination Script section of the Drag and Drop page.

Drop Types droptypescript - If a drop destination script is specified, you can also add a DAT table with a list of return types that the drop destination script will provide. Return types can be one of the op types (COMP,TOP,CHOP,SOP,MAT,DAT), channel, or supported filetypes. Please refer to the Drop Types section of the Drag and Drop page.

Dropped Operator paneldragop - The Dropped Component parameter is the easiest way to specify an alternative operator to drop. Note that this alternative operator must exist, otherwise the component itself will be dropped. The alternative is only used when dropping onto a network or control panel. Text pasted via dragging and dropping, or files saved via dropping onto the desktop, will still use the original.

On Dropping Into drop - - Specify if this Panel Component accepts items that are dropped onto it.
  • Use Parent's Drop Settings dropparent - Follow the parent Panel Components Drop setting.
  • Legacy Drop System legacy - Allow Dropping onto this Panel Component. Use the Paramter Drop Script to control the behaviour.
  • Do Not Allow Drop dropno - Disallows Dropping onto this Panel Component.

Drop Script dropscript - A component's Drop Script is run when you drop another component or an external file into that component. Please refer to the Drop Scripts - Text section of the Drag and Drop page.

Alternatively specify a Table DAT in the drop script field. TouchDesigner will automatically look for 2 columns in the table. The first column should indicate the data type and the second should indicate the Text DAT that holds the script to process that data type. Please refer to the Drop Script - Tables section of the Drag and Drop page.

Parameters - Extensions Page

The Extensions parameter page sets the component's python extensions. Please see extensions for more information.

Extension ext - Sequence of info for creating extensions on this component

Object ext0object - A number of class instances that can be attached to the component.

Name ext0name - Optional name to search by, instead of the instance class name.

Promote ext0promote - Controls whether or not the extensions are visible directly at the component level, or must be accessed through the .ext member. Example: n.Somefunction vs n.ext.Somefunction

Re-Init Extensions reinitextensions - Recompile all extension objects. Normally extension objects are compiled only when they are referenced and their definitions have changed.

Parameters - Common Page

The Common parameter page sets the component's node viewer and clone relationships.

Parent Shortcut parentshortcut - Specifies a name you can use anywhere inside the component as the path to that component. See Parent Shortcut.

Global OP Shortcut opshortcut - Specifies a name you can use anywhere at all as the path to that component. See Global OP Shortcut.

Internal OP iop - Sequence header for internal operators.

Shortcut iop0shortcut - Specifies a name you can use anywhere inside the component as a path to "Internal OP" below. See Internal Operators.

OP iop0op - The path to the Internal OP inside this component. See Internal Operators.

Node View nodeview - - Determines what is displayed in the node viewer, also known as the Node Viewer. Some options will not be available depending on the Component type (Object Component, Panel Component, Misc.)
  • Default Viewer default - Displays the default viewer for the component type, a 3D Viewer for Object COMPS and a Control Panel Viewer for Panel COMPs.
  • Operator Viewer opviewer - Displays the node viewer from any operator specified in the Operator Viewer parameter below.
Operator Viewer opviewer - Select which operator's node viewer to use when the Node View parameter above is set to Operator Viewer.

Keep in Memory keepmemory -

Enable Cloning enablecloning - Control if the OP should be actively cloneing. Turning this off causes this node to stop cloning it's 'Clone Master'.

Enable Cloning Pulse enablecloningpulse - Instantaneously clone the contents.

Clone Master clone - Path to a component used as the Master Clone.

Load on Demand loadondemand - Loads the component into memory only when required. Good to use for components that are not always used in the project.

Enable External .tox enableexternaltox - When on (default), the external .tox file will be loaded when the .toe starts and the contents of the COMP will match that of the external .tox. This can be turned off to avoid loading from the referenced external .tox on startup if desired (the contents of the COMP are instead loaded from the .toe file). Useful if you wish to have a COMP reference an external .tox but not always load from it unless you specifically push the Re-Init Network parameter button.

Enable External .tox Pulse enableexternaltoxpulse - This button will re-load from the external .tox file (if present).

External .tox Path externaltox - Path to a .tox file on disk which will source the component's contents upon start of a .toe. This allows for components to contain networks that can be updated independently. If the .tox file can not be found, whatever the .toe file was saved with will be loaded.

Reload Custom Parameters reloadcustom - When this checkbox is enabled, the values of the component's Custom Parameters are reloaded when the .tox is reloaded. This only affects top-level parameters on the component, all parameters on nodes inside the component are always reloaded with the .tox.

Reload Built-In Parameters reloadbuiltin - When this checkbox is enabled, the values of the component's built-in parameters are reloaded when the .tox is reloaded. This only affects top-level parameters on the component, all parameters on nodes inside the component are always reloaded with the .tox.

Save Backup of External savebackup - When this checkbox is enabled, a backup copy of the component specified by the External .tox parameter is saved in the .toe file. This backup copy will be used if the External .tox can not be found. This may happen if the .tox was renamed, deleted, or the .toe file is running on another computer that is missing component media.

Sub-Component to Load subcompname - When loading from an External .tox file, this option allows you to reach into the .tox and pull out a COMP and make that the top-level COMP, ignoring everything else in the file (except for the contents of that COMP). For example if a .tox file named project1.tox contains project1/geo1, putting geo1 as the Sub-Component to Load, will result in geo1 being loaded in place of the current COMP. If this parameter is blank, it just loads the .tox file normally using the top level COMP in the file.

Relative File Path Behavior relpath - - Set whether the child file paths within this COMP are relative to the .toe itself or the .tox, or inherit from parent.
  • Use Parent's Behavior inherit - Inherit setting from parent.
  • Relative to Project File (.toe) project - The path, when specified as a relative path, will be relative to the .toe file.
  • Relative to External COMP File (.tox) externaltox - The path, when specified as a relative path, will be relative to the .tox file. When no external COMP file is specified, or when Enable External .tox is not toggled on, this doesn't have any impact.

TouchDesigner Build: