

not equal



Parameters - Test Page Page

Float Parameter float - A default single value parameter

Sequence Parameter sequence - A sequence parameter with 2 parameters in it
Name sequence0name - A String parameter

Value sequence0value - A Float Parameter

String Collapser string - A String Parameter with an attached collapser.

Collapsed Parameter 1 somecollapsed1 - A String parameter

Collapsed Parameter 2 somecollapsed2 - A String parameter

so I can write here?

location = 'world'

# our first argument is a string, then next is a variable
run('print(args[0] + ", " + args[1])', 'hello', location, delayFrames=60)

# running another function using args
def otherFunc(thing):
	print('yo,', thing)

run('args[0]("moon")', otherFunc, delayMilliSeconds=2000)
run('print("hello, world")', delayFrames=60)