



Parameters - Constant Page

The channel is created if there is a name in the Name field. You can enter channel name patterns in the Name field, so you can create many channels with the same value. For example, try entering:


in the first channel field instead of "chan1". See Pattern Expansion, Pattern Matching.

Constant const - Sequence of name/value pairs defining the channels

Name const0name - The name of the channel.

Value const0value - The value of the channel.

Parameters - Snap Page


The Constant CHOP can preset its channel names and values using the Snap page. We often want to grab some channels (Snapshot) and edit them later.

Snapshot Input snap - The optional first CHOP input on Constant is used when the Snapshot Input button is pressed. At this time, the channel names and values at the CHOP input at the current frame are used to initialize the channel names and values of the constant sliders.

To snap channels from other OPs, connect a Parameter CHOP to the Constant CHOP and hit Snapshot Input.

You can simulate the pressing of the Snapshot Input button from a script. To simulate the clicking of a CHOP dialog box button from a script use the Par Class pulse() Method:



First Channel first - The First Channel parameter is used to select a smaller set of the incoming channels. This is useful if the number of incoming channels is greater than the 40 channels the Constant CHOP can hold, and you must break it into several CHOPs.

Active Needs Current current - This is used with the second input as described above, when you want to add a displacement to channels by using external devices or sources.
When Active Needs Current is On, the second CHOP input (the Active input) has an effect only if the Constant CHOP is the current CHOP.
When Active Needs Current is Off, the Constant CHOP is affected any time the Active input is on (greater than 0).
This is used by the Channel Editor when editing keyframes using CHOPs. An input device like a button in the Keyboard In CHOP or a MIDI keyboard can be fed to the Active input of many Constant CHOPs. Only the current CHOP will be affected if this option is On.

Parameters - Channel Page

Single Sample single - Turn this Off to make constant channels that are longer than one Sample.

Start start - Start and end of the interval, expressed in Units (seconds, frames or samples). The parameters are expressed in the Units found on the Common page. To set the CHOP to be 100 samples long, Set Units to Samples, Single Frame Off and Start / End to 0 and 99.

Start Unit startunit - - Select the units to use for this parameter, Samples, Frames, or Seconds.
  • I samples -
  • F frames -
  • S seconds -
End end - Start and end of the interval, expressed in Units (seconds, frames or samples). The parameters are expressed in the Units found on the Common page. To set the CHOP to be 100 samples long, Set Units to Samples, Single Frame Off and Start / End to 0 and 99.

End Unit endunit - - Select the units to use for this parameter, Samples, Frames, or Seconds.
  • I samples -
  • F frames -
  • S seconds -
Sample Rate rate - The sample rate of the channels, in samples per second.

Extend Left left - - The left extend conditions (before range).
  • Hold hold - Hold the current value of the channel.
  • Slope slope - Continue the slope before the start of the channel.
  • Cycle cycle - Cycle the channel repeatedly.
  • Mirror mirror - Cycle the channel repeatedly, mirroring every other cycle.
  • Default Value default - Use the constant value specified in the Default Value parameter.
Default Value defval - The value used for the Default Value extend condition.