
Run Class

The Run class describes a single instance of a delayed script execution. See Run Command Examples for more info. They can be accessed from the runs object. Scripts can be executed with delays with the following methods:


activebool :

Get or set whether or not this script will execute once its target frame is reached.

groupstr :

Get or set the group label associated with this script.

isCellbool (Read Only):

Returns true when the source is a cell, from a call.

isDATbool (Read Only):

Returns true when the source is a DAT, from a call.

isStringbool (Read Only):

Returns true when the source is a string, from a td module run() call

pathOP (Read Only):

The operator location from which this script will execute.

remainingFramesint :

Get or set the remaining number of frames before the execution will occur.

remainingMillisecondsint :

Get or set the remaining number of milliseconds before the execution will occur.

sourceDAT | Cell | str (Read Only):

The source of the run. It will be either a DAT, cell, or string.



Kill this run before it executes, and remove it from the global runs list, located in the td Module.

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