Quaternion Class
Holds a Quaternion object which can be used to manipulate rotations in various ways. Quaternions can be constructed using a few different ways to describe the initial rotation:
# From Euler Angles, rx, ry, rz in degrees
q = tdu.Quaternion(30, 5, -5)
q = tdu.Quaternion([30, 5, -5])
# From an angle and a rotation axis
q = tdu.Quaternion(30, tdu.Vector(0, 1, 0))
# From two vectors, rotate from the first vector to the
second vector
q = tdu.Quaternion(tdu.Vector(1, 0, 0), tdu.Vector(0, 1, 0))
# From a set of 4 quaternion values
q = tdu.Quaternion(x, y, z, w)
q = tdu.Quaternion([x, y, z, w])
# From a Matrix
q = tdu.Quaternion(tdu.Matrix())
# From a quaternion
q = tdu.Quaternion(tdu.Quaternion())
Quaternions can be used like simple Python lists:
print(q[1]) # same as q.y
q[2] = 0 # same as q.z
See also Transform CHOP which accepts, manipulates and outputs quaternions as sets of CHOP channels.
→ float
Get or set the x component of the quaternion.
→ float
Get or set the y component of the quaternion.
→ float
Get or set the z component of the quaternion.
→ float
Get or set the w component of the quaternion.
lerp(q2, factor)
→ quaternion
Returns the linear interpolation of the quaternion with another quaternion and an interpolation factor.
The quaternion argument can be anything from which a quaternion can be derived ie. (x,y,z,w), Matrix, etc. The interpolation factor must be between 0 and 1.
q3 = q.lerp(q2, factor)
→ float
Returns the length of the quaternion.
l = q.length()
→ vector
Returns the cross product of the quaternion and argument.
The quaternion argument can be anything from which a quaternion can be derived ie. (x,y,z,w), Matrix, etc.
l = q.cross(q2)
→ vector
Rotates a vector using the current quaternion. Returns a new vector.
v2 = q.rotate(v1)
slerp(q2, factor)
→ quaternion
Returns the spherical interpolation of the quaternion with another quaternion and an interpolation factor.
The quaternion argument can be anything from which a quaternion can be derived ie. (x,y,z,w), Matrix, etc.
q3 = q.slerp(q2, factor)
→ tuple
Returns euler angles in degrees as a tuple (i.e. pitch as x, yaw as y, roll as z) from current quaternion and a rotation order. The 'order' argument can be set to any valid rotation order which by default is set to 'xyz'.
r = q.eulerAngles(order='xyz')
→ tuple
Returns and set the current quaternion from euler angles in degrees as a 3 inputs argument (i.e. pitch as x, yaw as y, roll as z). The 'order' argument can be set to any valid rotation order which by default is set to 'xyz'.
r = q.fromEuler(order='xyz')
→ vector
Returns the rotation axis vector of the quaternion.
v = q.axis()
→ float
Returns the dot product of the quaternion and the argument.
The quaternion argument can be anything from which a quaternion can be derived ie. (x,y,z,w), Matrix, etc.
l = q.dot(q2)
→ quaternion
Returns the exponential of the quaternion as a new quaternion.
q2 = q.exp()
→ quaternion
Creates a copy of the quaternion with separate values.
→ quaternion
Returns the natural logarithm of the current quaternion as a new quaternion.
l = q.log()
→ None
Invert the quaternion in place.
→ float
Returns the rotation angle (in degrees) of the quaternion.
a = q.angle()
Special Functions
Quaternion *= Quaternion
→ Quaternion
Applies the rotation of one quaternion to another quaternion.
# apply rotation of q2 to q1 q1 *= q2
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