Python Tips
How to do some common actions in Python. Also see Help -> Python Examples in the TouchDesigner UI.
General to all OPsedit
Python | |
Getting an OP's path | op('sphere1').path
Getting an OP's name | op('sphere1').name
Getting an OP's digits | op('sphere1').digits
Querying the value of an OP's parameter | op('sphere1').par.tx.eval()
or when it's constant |
Querying a parameter in the same OP | me.par.tx
Getting Info CHOP channels from an OP without cooking it |
Getting an OP's parent | parent()
Getting an OP's grand-parent | parent(2)
Getting an OP's name |
Getting an OP's parent's name | parent().name
Getting digits of an OP's name from its parameters | me.digits
Getting digits of an OP's parent's name from its parameters |
Getting an OP's type | # returns an OP object, not a string
getting a unique random number each frame | tdu.rand(absTime.frame+.1)
getting a unique random number per numbered operator | tdu.rand(me.digits+.17)
Checking for an OP's existence | if op('moviein1'):
Getting the number of children of a COMP | len(op('geo1').children)
Getting the number of inputs of a multi-input OP | len(op('switch1').inputs)
Getting Info CHOP channels from an OP, width is a member | op('moviein1').width
Conditional "if" in one line of a parameter | 22 if me.time.frame<100 else 33
Conditional "if" alternative | [33,22][me.time.frame<100]
Convert space separated string to a list | tdu.split('Space separated string with "two word item"')
List comprehension | [ for c in root.children]
Conditional list comprehension | [ for c in root.children if != 'perform']
Test operator type | type(root) == baseCOMP
Test operator family | isinstance(root, TOP)
"Absolute Time" is the time since you started your TouchDesigner process, not counting when your power button was off (top bar).
Python | |
Retrieving a node's local frame number | me.time.frame
Retrieving a node's local time in seconds | me.time.seconds
Retrieving absolute time in frames | absTime.frame
Retrieving absolute time in seconds | absTime.seconds
Storage in Pythonedit
Storage is the preferred way to work with persistent global data in Python, since it can store anything data type.
Python | |
Setting a value in storage of a component n
|'keyname', 0.0)
Getting a value from storage | n.fetch('keyname')
Directly access the storage dictionary |
Directly access a key in the storage dictionary |['keyname']
Test if a key exists in the storage dictionary | 'keyname' in
Python | |
Creating an OP (Sphere SOP) | op('/project1').create(sphereSOP)
Creating a named OP | op('/project1').create(sphereSOP, 'mysphere')
Copying OPs (Nodes) | op('/project1').copy(op('out1'), name='out2')
Deleting an OP | op('mysphere').destroy()
Renaming an OP | op('mysphere').name = 'thesphere'
Changing an OP's type | op('mysphere').changeType(boxSOP)
Changing multiple OPs' types | list = ops('*sphere*')
Setting an OP's comment | op('mysphere').comment = 'this is a sphere'
Changing an OP's parameter | op('mysphere').par.frequency = 10
Changing an OP's parameter with more than 1 value |
s = op('mysphere')
Pulsing a parameter value | op('moviein1').par.cue.pulse()
Cooking an OP | op('mysphere').cook()
Saving an OP's data to a file | op('mysphere').save('sphere.tog')
Changing an OP's Render and Display Flags on | s = op('mysphere')
Loading a .tox file into a COMP | op('/project1').loadTox('geo1.tox')
Wiring operators together | Refer to the Connector Class
Clicking gadgets (panel components) | op('slider1').click(.6, .7)
Timeline Play/Pause | = True/False
Run asynchronous or delayed Python code | run('print("hello, world")', delayMilliSeconds=2000)
Variables are always text strings.
Python | |
Setting a value | me.var('DESKTOP')
Setting a Root Variable | root.setVar('MEDIA', 'c:/MEDIA')
Setting a Component Variable at the current component |
parent().setVar('MEDIA', 'c:/MEDIA')
Setting a Component Variable at another component |
op('/project1/geo1').setVar('MEDIA', 'c:/MEDIA')
Setting a Path Variable | Set the Path Variable parameter of any parent component and use me.var('name') in the same way.
Evaluate channel chan1 at the current frame
or if in parameter, simply: | op('pattern1')['chan1']
Get sample 8 of channel chan1
Get the number of CHOP Channels | op('pattern1').numChans
Get the CHOP length | op('pattern1').numSamples
Get the third sample from the first channel | op('pattern1')[0][2]
Get the name of the 2nd channel | op('pattern1')[1].name
Get the channel index of channel chan1
See also Working with OPs in Python.Get a cell value by index | op('table1')[2,3]
Get a cell value by label | op('table1')['r1', 'c1']
Get a cell value by row index, col label | op('table1')[2, 'product']
Cast cell to integer and float | int(op('table1')['month', 3])
Get the number of table rows | op('table1').numRows
Get the number of table columns | op('table1').numCols
Set a cell value by indeces or labels | op('table1')[3,4] = 'hello'
Set a cell value by label | op('table1')['r1', 'c1'] = 'abc'
Copy a table to another table | op('table1').copy(op('fromTable'))
Append a row to a table | op('table1').appendRow(['s1','s2', num])
Append a column to a table | op('table1').appendCol(['s1','s2', num])
Access current cell in an Evaluate DAT | me.inputCell
Access neighboring cells in an Evaluate DAT | me.inputCell.offset(1,2)