
Point SOP


The Point SOP allows you to get right into the geometry and manipulate the position, color, texture coordinates, and normals of the points in the Source, and other attributes. The Point SOP also lets you create custom point attributes. It is the complement to the Primitive SOP. Using a second input allows for combining of two SOPs using their respective expressions (see: PointSOP Class). If the second input has less points than the first input, the points in the second input will be cycled.

For example, you can create point coloring, or flip the normals of incoming geometry. Using expressions in Position X, Y and Z, you can move any given input point to a new place as defined by the expression with any standard attributes.

The Width (width) attribute affects the line width in the Line MAT. The Scale attribute (pscale) affects particle size, and in the Line MAT it affects the dot size at each point.

Tip: For greater flexibility, use the Script SOP.


Parameters - Point Page

Group group - If there are input groups, specifying a group name in this field will cause this SOP to act only upon the group specified. Accepts patterns, as described in Pattern Matching.

Position t - - Expressions to translate the XYZ coordinates of a given point can be entered here. The attributes to modify here are: me.inputPoint.x, me.inputPoint.y and me.inputPoint.z.

Simply entering me.inputPoint.x into the Position X field means that the X coordinate of each point that comes in is passed straight through with no modification.

Changing this entry to me.inputPoint.x+5 means that the X coordinate of each point that comes in will be displaced by 5 units. This expression can be expanded to produce many useful effects. Transformations can also be effected in the Y and Z fields.

  • Position tx -
  • Position ty -
  • Position tz -

Weight doweight - - Select between keeping the weight or adding a new weight.

  • Keep Weight off -
  • New Weight on -

Weight weight - If you select 'New Weight' from the menu above, enter expressions here to control the values of the point weights here. The attribute to modify is: me.inputPoint.w. Values for the weight of the point can range from 0.0001 to infinity.

Color doclr - - Select between keeping the color, adding new color, or using no color.

  • Keep Color off -
  • Add Color on -
  • No Color remove -

Color diff - - If you select 'Add Color' from the menu above, Cd color attributes will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions below to control the values of the point colors. The attributes to modify are: me.inputColor[0] for red, me.inputColor[1] for green, me.inputColor[2] for blue, and me.inputColor[3] for alpha.

If you select 'No Color' from the menu above, the Cd color attribute will be removed from the SOP.

  • Color diffr -
  • Color diffg -
  • Color diffb -

Alpha alpha - Control the alpha attribute in the same manner as the rgb colors above. Alpha is Cd[3] and comes from input via me.inputColor[3]

Normal donml - - Select between keeping the normals, adding new normals, or using no normals.

  • Keep Normal off -
  • Add Normal on -
  • No Normal remove -

Normals n - - If you select 'Add Normal' from the menu above, N normal attributes will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions to change a given point normal here. Point normals are directional vectors used by other SOPs, such as Turbulence, Facet and Copy. See Attributes article for detailed information. The attributes to modify are: me.inputNormal[0], me.inputNormal[1] and me.inputNormal[2].

If you select 'No Normal' from the menu above, the N normal attribute will be removed from the SOP.

  • Normals nx -
  • Normals ny -
  • Normals nz -

Flipping Normals

You can flip the point normals of incoming geometry by entering:

(-me.inputNormal[0] -me.inputNormal[1] -me.inputNormal[2])

in the fields with this parameter set to Add Normals. This works, because it takes the existing normals

(me.inputNormal[0] me.inputNormal[1] me.inputNormal[2])

and inverts them (the preceding - ).

Texture douvw - - Select between keeping the texture coordinates, adding new texture coordinates, or using no texture coordinates.

  • Keep Texture off -
  • Add Texture on -
  • No Texture remove -

Texture map - - If you select 'Add Texture' from the menu above, uv texture coordinate attributes will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the texture coordinates here. The attributes to modify are: me.inputTexture[0], me.inputTexture[1] and me.inputTexture[2].

If you select 'No Texture' from the menu above, the uv texture coordinate attribute will be removed from the SOP.

  • Texture mapu -
  • Texture mapv -
  • Texture mapw -

Width(Line MAT) dowidth - - Select between keeping the width attribute or adding a new width. This Width (width) attribute is used exclusively with Line MAT to control line width when the material is rendered.

  • Keep Width off -
  • New Width on -

Width(Line MAT) width - If you select 'New Width' from the menu above, width attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the point widths here. The attribute to modify is: me.inputPoint.width[0].

Scale dopscale - - Select between keeping the scale attribute, adding new scale, or using no scale. This scale (pscale) attribute is used with the Particle SOP and acts as a multiplier for the size of particles. The value of this attribute is multiplied by the size specified in the Particle SOP's render attributes to scale each particle. This attribute is used by the Point Sprite MAT when rendering point sprites.

  • Keep Scale off -
  • Add Scale on -
  • No Scale remove -

Scale pscale - If you select 'Add Scale' from the menu above, pscale attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the point particle scales here. The attribute to modify is: me.inputPoint.pscale[0].

If you select 'No Scale' from the menu above, the pscale attribute will be removed from the SOP.

Parameters - Custom Page

Custom Attribute attr - Sequence of custom attributes to add

Name attr0name - Creates a custom attribute with this name.

Type attr0type - - The type of attribute created can be selected from this menu.

  • float float -
  • vec2 vec2 -
  • vec3 vec3 -
  • vec4 vec4 -
  • int int -
  • ivec2 ivec2 -
  • ivec3 ivec3 -
  • ivec4 ivec4 -

Value attr0value - - Set the values of the Custom Attrib using these parameters.

  • Value attr0value1 -
  • Value attr0value2 -
  • Value attr0value3 -
  • Value attr0value4 -

Parameters - Particle Page

Point Mass/Drag domass - - Retains, adds, or removes mass and drag attributes for points.

  • Keep Mass/Drag off -
  • Add Mass/Drag on -
  • No Mass/Drag remove -

Mass mass - If you select 'Add Mass/Drag' from the menu above, mass attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. If you select 'No Mass/Drag' from the menu above, the mass attribute will be removed from the SOP.

Drag drag - If you select 'Add Mass/Drag' from the menu above, drag attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. If you select 'No Mass/Drag' from the menu above, the drag attribute will be removed from the SOP.

Tension dotension - Tension affects the elasticity of the edges the point is connected to.

Tension tension - If you select 'Add Tension' from the menu above, tension attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the tension here. The attribute to modify is: me.inputPoint.tension[0]. If you select 'No Tension' from the menu above, the tension attribute will be removed from the SOP.

Spring K dospringk - - Retains, adds, or removes spring constant attributes for points. The Spring Constant is a well known physical property affecting each point.

  • Keep Spring K off -
  • Add Spring K on -
  • No Spring K remove -

Spring K springk - If you select 'Add Spring K' from the menu above, springk attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the springk here. The attribute to modify is: me.inputPoint.springk[0]. If you select 'No Spring K' from the menu above, the springk attribute will be removed from the SOP.

Velocity dovel - - Retains, adds, or removes the velocity of points. Defines the magnitude of the particle's velocity in the X, Y and Z directions.

  • Keep Velocity off -
  • Add Velocity on -
  • No Velocity remove -

Velocity v - - If you select 'Add Velocity' from the menu above, v velocity attributes will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions to change a given point velocity here. The attributes to modify here are: me.inputPoint.v[0], me.inputPoint.v[1] and me.inputPoint.v[2]. If you select 'No Velocity' from the menu above, the v velocity attribute will be removed from the SOP.

  • X vx -
  • Y vy -
  • Z vz -

Up Vector doup - - Creates/Removes the "up" attribute for points. This attribute defines an up vector which is used to fully define the space around a point (for particle instancing or copying geometry). The up vector can be used in conjunction with the copy template's normals to control the orientation of the copies in the Copy SOP.

  • Keep Up Vector off -
  • Add Up Vector on -
  • No Up Vector remove -

Up Vector up - - If you select 'Add Up Vector' from the menu above, up attributes will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions to change a given point up vector here. The attributes to modify here are: me.inputPoint.up[0], me.inputPoint.up[1] and me.inputPoint.up[2]. If you select 'No Up Vector' from the menu above, the up attribute will be removed from the SOP.

  • X upx -
  • Y upy -
  • Z upz -

Parameters - Force Page

Radius doradius - - Retains, adds, or removes radiusf attributes for points, used to modify the distance roll-off effect. The roll-off is: r /(r+d^2) Where r is radius, and d is distance from attractor point. If no radius is set, no attenuation is performed.

  • Keep Radius off -
  • Add Radius on -
  • No Radius remove -

Radius radiusf - If you select 'Add Radius' from the menu above, radiusf attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the distance roll-off here. If you select 'No Radius' from the menu above, the radiusf attribute will be removed from the SOP.

F Scale doscale - - Retains, adds, or removes scalef attributes for points, a multiplier for total force associated with this attractor point.

Both Radius and Force Scale will default to 1 if not created as point attributes.

Radial / Normal / Edge / Directional Force - These four parameters introduce a type of force when created and each has a corresponding multiplier associated with it.

  • Keep F Scale off -
  • Add F Scale on -
  • No F Scale remove -

F Scale scalef - If you select 'Add F Scale' from the menu above, scalef attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the force multiplier here. If you select 'No F scale' from the menu above, the scalef attribute will be removed from the SOP.

Radial F doradialf - - Retains, adds, or removes radialf attributes for points, the force directed towards the attractor point. Positive multipliers are towards while negative are away.

  • Keep Radial F off -
  • Add Radial F on -
  • No Radial F remove -

Radial F radialf - If you select 'Add Radial F' from the menu above, radialf attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the directed force here. If you select 'No Radial F' from the menu above, the radialf attribute will be removed from the SOP.

Normal F donormalf - - Retains, adds, or removes normalf attributes for points, the force directed along the point normal direction.

  • Keep Normal F off -
  • Add Normal F on -
  • No Normal F remove -

Normal F normalf - If you select 'Add Normal F' from the menu above, normalf attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the force in the normal direction here. If you select 'No Normal F' from the menu above, the normalf attribute will be removed from the SOP.

Edge F doedgef - - Retains, adds, or removes edgef attributes for points, which only works on primitive face types. The force is directed in the direction of the edge leading from that point. If multiple vertices reference the same point, then the direction is the edge direction of the last primitive referencing the point.

If the face open, then the end point has an edge direction equal to that of the preceding point in that primitive.

Note: When edge forces are added using the Point SOP, the force directions are computed in the Point SOP itself. Thus, any following transformations do not effect these. If you wish for the edge directions to be transformed as well, all transformations must be done before the Point SOP. Only the edge forces function like this.

  • Keep Edge F off -
  • Add Edge F on -
  • No Edge F remove -

Edge F edgef - If you select 'Add Edge F' from the menu above, edgef attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the force in the normal direction here. If you select 'No Edge F' from the menu above, the edgef attribute will be removed from the SOP.

Dir. F dodirf - - Retains, adds, or removes dirf attributes for points, an arbitrary directional force still affected by the distance roll-off function.

  • Keep Dir. F off -
  • Add Dir. F on -
  • No Dir. F remove -

Dir. F dirf - - If you select 'Add Dir. F' from the menu above, dirf attribute will be added/modified in the SOP. Enter expressions here to control the values of the force in the arbitrary direction here. If you select 'No Dir. F' from the menu above, the dirf attribute will be removed from the SOP.

  • X dirfx -
  • Y dirfy -
  • Z dirfz -

Operator Inputs

  • Input 0: Source 1 -
  • Input 1: Source 2 -

Info CHOP Channels

Extra Information for the Point SOP can be accessed via an Info CHOP.

Common SOP Info Channels

  • num_points - Number of points in this SOP.
  • num_prims - Number of primitives in this SOP.
  • num_particles - Number of particles in this SOP.
  • last_vbo_update_time - Time spent in another thread updating geometry data on the GPU from the SOP's CPU data. As it is part of another thread, this time is not part of the usual frame time.
  • last_meta_vbo_update_time - Time spent in another thread updating meta surface geometry data (such as metaballs or nurbs) on the GPU from the SOP's CPU data. As it is part of another thread, this time is not part of the usual frame time.

Common Operator Info Channels

  • total_cooks - Number of times the operator has cooked since the process started.
  • cook_time - Duration of the last cook in milliseconds.
  • cook_frame - Frame number when this operator was last cooked relative to the component timeline.
  • cook_abs_frame - Frame number when this operator was last cooked relative to the absolute time.
  • cook_start_time - Time in milliseconds at which the operator started cooking in the frame it was cooked.
  • cook_end_time - Time in milliseconds at which the operator finished cooking in the frame it was cooked.
  • cooked_this_frame - 1 if operator was cooked this frame.
  • warnings - Number of warnings in this operator if any.
  • errors - Number of errors in this operator if any.

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