

See Point Class for Python API.

Each SOP has a list of Points. A Point is an XYZ position with some optional extra attributes. The point attributes are:

  • P - an XYZ 3D position represented as 3 floating point numbers.
  • Cd - color (optional) a standard 4-value attribute where the RGB color is Cd[0], Cd[1], Cd[2] and alpha which is Cd[3]. (See Point SOP)
  • uv - texture (optional) a standard 3-value attribute where UV are uv[0] and uv[1], and W is uv[2]. (See Point SOP)
  • N - normal vector (optional) a standard 3-value attribute. (See Facet SOP and Point SOP)
  • T - tangent vector (optional) a standard 4-value attribute. (See Attribute Create SOP)
  • user-defined attributes. (See Point SOP)

Each Polygon is defined by a vertex list, which is a list of point numbers.

On s SOP, MMB on the node to see a summary of the points, polygons, particle systems and other primitives, attributes and bounding box.

Note: Points can not be rendered directly. To render points they must first be Particles. Points can be converted to particles using the Convert SOP or generated directly by the Particle SOP. See also Point Sprite MAT.

See also: Point List, Geometry Detail, Point SOP, Point Class, Primitive, Polygon, Vertex, Prims Class, SOP, SOP Class, SOP to DAT, Script SOP, Point Groups, Primitive Groups, Attributes.