ParGroupPulse Class
The ParGroupPulse class describes a subclass of a ParGroup ending with a pulse parameter. See also Custom ParGroup.
No operator specific members.
pulse(value, frames=0, seconds=0)
→ None
Pulsing sets a parameter to the specific value, cooks the operator, then restores the parameter to its previous value.
For pulse type parameters no value or time is specified or used.
- value - (Optional) The tuple to pulse this parGroup with, default is
.- frames - (Optional) Number of frames before restoring the parameter to its original value.
- seconds - (Optional) Number of seconds before restoring the parameter to its original value.
op('moviein1').parGroup.reload.pulse([1]) # set the reload toggle, then cook op('glsl1').parGroup.loadvariablenames.pulse() # activate the pulse parameter op('geo1').parGroup.t.pulse([0,2,0], frames=120) # pulse geometry transform for 120 frames op('text1').parGroup.text.pulse(['GO!'], seconds=3) # pulse text TOP string field, for 3 seconds op('noise').parGroup.type.pulse(['random'], seconds=0.5) # pulse noise menu type for half a second
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