
Panel Component

Panel Components are a sub-Family of Components, used to create custom interactive 2D control panels and user interfaces (also called Panels). They are found in the second column of Components in the OP Create dialog.

Examples are in Help > OP Snippets

The panel components are:

Container COMP - holds any number of other buttons, sliders, fields, containers, etc

Widget COMP - a Container COMP with extra functionality to support the library of Widgets.

Text COMP - for entering text strings and rendering text in Panels.

Slider COMP - simple sliders in X, Y and XY, and outputs 1 or 2 channels

Button COMP - simple on/off buttons, including toggle, momentary, and sets of radio buttons

List COMP - lets you create and define lists using python

OP Viewer COMP - creates a panel out of any operator's viewer

Parameter COMP - creates a panel out of any operator's parameters

Select COMP - selects a Panel Component from any other location

Table COMP - a concise and optimized way to create a grid of user interface gadgets

PythonIcon.png PanelCOMP_Class

Panels within Panelsedit

In 2D control panels, a Panel component is displayed within another panel (Parenting) in two possible ways:

  • by placing the panel inside another Panel component (normally a Container component).
  • by a node being attached to another node in the same network like in 3D Parenting.

Scripting with Panelsedit

See Panel Value, Panel Execute DAT, PanelValue Class, PanelCOMP Class, and the individual Panel COMP classes.