
Panel COMP Layout Page

Parameters - Layout Pageedit

The Layout parameter page controls the size and position of the panel.

X x - Specify the horizontal position in pixels relative to its parent.

Y y - Specify the vertical position in pixels relative to its parent.

Width w - Specify the panel's width in pixels.

Height h - Specify the Panel's height in pixels.

Fixed Aspect fixedaspect - Allows easy creation of panels with a specific aspect set in the Aspect Ratio parameter below. Only requires setting the width or height of the panel and the other dimension is calculated based on the Aspect Ratio parameter.

Aspect Ratio aspect - Specify the ratio when using Fixed Aspect parameter above, the ratio is width/height.

Depth Layer layer - Specifies the order the panel components are drawn in, similar to layers in Photoshop. Higher values will be drawn over any other panel with a lower value (that is at the same level of hierarchy). If two panel components have the same Depth Layer value then they are ordered based on the operator's name.

Horizontal Mode hmode - Select one of 3 modes to determine the horizontal width of the panel.

  • Fixed Width - Uses the Width parameter above to set this panel's width in pixels.
  • Fill - The width of this panel will match (fill) the width of the parent panel.
  • Anchors - The width of this panel is set by the Left Anchor and Right Anchor parameters below which will maintain a relative width to the parent panel as the parent panel changes size. This allows for stretchy panels. These anchor parameters are normalized 0-1 like uv coordinates where 0 is the left edge and 1 is the right edge of the parent panel. For example, Left Anchor = 0.2 and Right Anchor = 0.8 will maintain the width proportionally to the parent panel such that the left edge is 20% (0.2) in from the left and the right edge is 20% (0.8) in from the right.

Left Anchor leftanchor - Position of the left anchor of the panel with respect to the parent. This value is normalized 0-1, 0 is the left edge of the parent and 1 is the right edge of the parent.

Left Offset leftoffset - An offset for the left anchor in pixels.

Right Anchor rightanchor - Position of the right anchor of the panel with respect to the parent. This value is normalized 0-1, 0 is the left edge of the parent and 1 is the right edge of the parent.

Right Offset rightoffset - An offset for the right anchor in pixels.

Horizontal origin horigin - Sets the position of the panel's origin horizontally. The default origin (0,0) is the bottom-left corner of the panel.

Horizontal Fill Weight hfillweight - When multiple panels are using Horizontal Mode = Fill and being aligned by the parent either Left to Right or Right to Left, this fill weight parameter can be used to bias the fill width of the panels.

Vertical Mode vmode - Select one of 3 modes to determine the vertical height of the panel.

  • Fixed Height - Uses the Height parameter above to set this panel's height in pixels.
  • Fill - The height of this panel will match (fill) the height of the parent panel.
  • Anchors - The height of this panel is set by the Bottom Anchor and Top Anchor parameters below which will maintain a relative and proportionally height to the parent panel as the parent panel changes size. This allows for stretchy panels. These anchor parameters are normalized 0-1 like uv coordinates where 0 is the bottom edge and 1 is the top edge of the parent panel. For example, Bottom Anchor = 0.3 and Right Anchor = 0.5 will maintain the height proportionally to the parent panel such that the bottom edge is 30% (0.3) up from the bottom and the top edge is 50% (0.5) down from the top.

Bottom Anchor bottomanchor - Position of the bottom anchor of the panel with respect to the parent. This value is normalized 0-1, 0 is the bottom edge of the parent and 1 is the top edge of the parent.

Bottom Offset bottomoffset - An offset for the bottom anchor in pixels.

Top Anchor topanchor - Position of the top anchor of the panel with respect to the parent. This value is normalized 0-1, 0 is the bottom edge of the parent and 1 is the top edge of the parent.

Top Offset topoffset - An offset for the top anchor in pixels.

Vertical origin vorigin - Sets the position of the panel's origin vertically. The default origin (0,0) is the bottom-left corner of the panel.

Vertical Fill Weight vfillweight - When multiple panels are using Vertical Mode = Fill and being aligned by the parent either Top to Bottom or Bottom to Top, this fill weight parameter can be used to bias the fill height of the panels.

Parent Alignment alignallow - When set to Ignore, the Panel will ignore any Align parameter settings from its parent.

  • Allow - Aligns the panel based on settings in parent.
  • Ignore - Does not align the panel but respects margins.
  • Ignore and Margins - Does not align the panel and disregards margins.

Align Order alignorder - This parameter allows you to specify the align position when its parent's Align parameter is set to something other then None or Match Network Nodes. Lower numbers are first.

Post Offset postoffset[xy] - Adds an offset after all other postions and alignment options have been applied to the panel.

Size From Window stufffromwindow - When enabled the panel component's width and height are set by resizing its floating viewer window.