
Palette:signalingServer Ext

These Extensions reference a specific Palette:signalingServer. The Extension class of a signalingServer COMP.


The Client class describes a client object as part of the signaling session.


idstr :

The id member is generated as a UUID by the server when a new client is connecting.

addressstr :

The address member is set by the server when a new client is connecting. It is the IP address and the port used by the client to establish the WebSocket handshake in IP:port format and relative to the server.

propertiesdict :

The properties member can be used to hold an arbitrary dictionary and extend the Signaling API with custom data. By default {'domain': '/'}



A utility method to convert a Client object to a dict / JSON friendly object.


The SignalingServerExt constructor drives the signalingServer COMP and exposes various promoted methods in addition to holding data during a signaling session.


ClientsList[Clients] :

The list of clients in the signaling session, as Client objects

CurrentClientsDAT :

A reference to a DAT, copy of the Clients member


SignalingServerExt.GetClientByAddress(address: str)Client:

A utility method that will return a client object provided an IP:port address.

  • address (str): An IP:port address string.

SignalingServerExt.GetClientById(id: str)Client:

A utility method that will return a client object provided an ID.

  • id (str): A UUID as a string.


A utility method that will return a list of clients as JSON / dicts.


Reset the signaling session and all states of the signalingServer COMP and its SignalingServerExt.

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