


The recorder component is a wrapper for the movieout TOP. It's purpose is to simplify the video recording process as a single component. It is recommended to be used as the recording system in larger video applications.

PythonIcon.pngPalette:recorder Ext

Parameters - Output Settings Page

Folder Folder - The directory where the recorded video files are saved.

View Folder Viewfolder - Opens a file browser to where the recorded video files will be saved.

Filename 1 Filename1 - Allows the user to set multiple filename strings. Each string is separated by an underscore.

Filename 2 Filename2 - Allows the user to set multiple filename strings. Each string is separated by an underscore.

Filename 3 Filename3 - Allows the user to set multiple filename strings. Each string is separated by an underscore.

Filename 4 Filename4 - Allows the user to set multiple filename strings. Each string is separated by an underscore.

Filename 5 Filename5 - Allows the user to set multiple filename strings. Each string is separated by an underscore.

Filename 6 Filename6 - Allows the user to set multiple filename strings. Each string is separated by an underscore.

Filename 7 Filename7 - Allows the user to set multiple filename strings. Each string is separated by an underscore.

N N - This parameter increases by 1 each time a recording is generated. The N index is postfixed to the file name and thus filename collisions can be avoided.

File Path Filepath - Shows the complete path (Folder + Filename) where the video will be saved.

Record Start Recordstart - Triggers the start of the recording.

Record Stop Recordstop - Stops the recording.

Record Active Recordactive - Indicates if recording is currently active or not.

Audio CHOP Audiochop - Provide a chop with an audiostream for recording audio into the file.

Header Source DAT Headerdat - Specify a DAT that holds desired meta information for encoding data into the header of the file.

Custom Resolution Customresolution - When active a custom resolution is used instead of the incoming resolution.

Resolution Resolution - - A custom resolution to override that which is coming in via the TOP connector.
  • Resolution Resolutionw -
  • Resolution Resolutionh -

Record Range Recordrange - When active, the specfied frame range is used and once the range has been recorded, the encoder stops automatically.

Frame Range Framerange - - The frame range to record when Record Range paramater is active.
  • Frame Range Framerange1 -
  • Frame Range Framerange2 -

Rate (FPS) Rate - The frame rate to record at.

Use Timeline Locktotimeline - Ensures the recording is synchronized with a specified timeline or timecode.

Cook Every Frame Cookeveryframe - You want this on if you are doing a high quality offline render. You want this on if you are recording in real-time.

Reload Movie Meta Data Reload - Forces a reload of movie file information from the first moviefileinTOP that is found connected upstream of the input TOP connection.

Match Timeline To Media Matchmedia - Ensures the recorder's settings match the settings of another media file or source.

Match Record Settings to Timeline Matchtimeline - Syncs the recorder's settings with TouchDesigner's timeline settings.

Parameters - Codec Page

Codec Videocodec - - Select the video compression codec used to encode the movie.
  • Animation rle -
  • Hap hap -
  • H.264 (NVIDIA GPU) h264nvgpu -
  • H.265/HEVC (NVIDIA GPU) h265nvgpu -
  • NotchLC notchlc -
  • Apple ProRes prores -

Video Codec Type Videocodectype - Some video codecs such as Apple ProRes, Hap and Hap Q have a various different types such as ProRes 442 HQ, ProRe 4444 HQ etc.

Movie Pixel Format Moviepixelformat - - Options for the pixel format based on the Video Codec selected. Use this parameter to change the color quality of the output (how many bits are used, YUV sampling etc.), as well as selecting formats that include alpha for codecs that support alpha.
  • RGB rgb -
  • RGBA rgba -

Audio Codec Audiocodec - - Select the audio compression codec used to encode the audio.
  • ALAC (Apple Lossless) alac -
  • MP3 mp3 -
  • Uncompressed 16-bit (PCM) pcm16 -
  • Uncompressed 24-bit (PCM) pcm24 -
  • Uncompressed 32-bit (PCM) pcm32 -
  • Vorbis vorbis -

Quality Quality - Select the quality of the movie compression. NOTE: Some codecs can not output lossless compression.

Stall for File Open Stallforopen - When this is on playback will stall until the file is opened and ready to receive frames, to make sure the frame that was inputted when Record was turned on gets recorded. When this is off recording may start on a later frame, after the file has been opened. Turning this off can avoid a stall in playback, if missing recording some frames at the start is acceptable.

Profile Profile - - Select the H.264 profile to use.
  • Auto-Select autoselect -
  • Baseline baseline -
  • Main main -
  • High high -

Preset Preset - - The H264 preset to use.
  • None none -
  • Lossless lossless -

Bit Rate Mode Bitratemode - - Select between Constant or Variable bit rate, and regular or high quality bit rate modes.
  • Constant (CBR) constant -
  • Variable (VBR) variable -
  • Constant HQ (CBR) constanthq -
  • Variable HQ (VBR) variablehq -

Average Bit Rate Avgbitrate - Set the average bitrate target for the encoding.

Peak Bit Rate Peakbitrate - Set the peak bitrate allowed for the encoding.

Keyframe Internval Keyframeinterval - Set the number of frames between key-frames (I-frames) while encoding.

Max B-Frames Maxbframes - Controls the maximum number of B-frames (bi-directional frames) that will be created between pairs of key-frames.

Motion Prediction Motionpredict - - Controls the quality of the Motion Prediction used when encoding H264/H265.
  • Default default -
  • Quarter quarter -
  • Half half -
  • Full full -

Frame Slicing Frameslicing - Controls if H264/H265 frames are sliced into multiple pieces, allowing them to be decoded using multiple CPUs more easily.

Num Slices Numslices - The number of slices each frame is split into.

Secondary Compression Secondarycompression - Hap uses a secondary CPU compression stage usually. Encoding video without this compression will result in faster playback, but potentially larger file sizes (which would require faster drives to play back).

Parameters - About Page

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.tox Save Build Toxsavebuild -

Operator Inputs

  • Input 0: in1 -

TouchDesigner Build: