
Palette:logger Ext

These Extensions reference a specific Palette:logger. The Extension class of a logger COMP.


The LoggerExt constructor drives the Logger COMP and exposes various promoted methods in addition to holding essential data to the Logger COMP instance and the logging library.


Activebool :

Whether the Logger COMP is currently Active or not. Should always match the self.ownerComp.par.Active value.

IncludePIDbool :

Whether the Logger COMP is currently including the PID in the log messages or not. Should always be the opposite of the self.ownerComp.par.Addpidtofilename value.

LogFileNamestr :

A string representation of the full file name used by the logger handler when logging to file.

LogFolderstr :

A string representation of the full folder path were the log file is being stored. Defaults to the project folder /TDLogs folder.

LogLevelstr :

A string representation of the log level currently being selected. Can be of type CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, DEBUG, INFO. Should always be the opposite of the self.ownerComp.par.Loglevel value.

Loggerlogging.Logger :

The current logging library Logger object.

LoggerNamestr :

The logger name used for the logger object initialization. In the logger object, this will also follow the dot notation based on whether the logger has any parents. It will always get updated based on self.ownerComp.par.Loggername value.

OriginCOMP :

Where the logging message are originating from. This gets added to the logging messages.

LogsQueuelist :

A possibly empty list of tuples which represent a log level and a message. The queue can sometimes be filled if the logger object wasn't available yet when messages started being logged.



In the case that a Logger get reinitialized and an handler get duplicated, use this method to clear the handlers. A new handler should be created after calling createFileHandler or similar. This method is here as an helper to accomodate developers adding custom handlers.

LoggerExt.Critical(message: str, withInfos: bool = True)None:

Log a Critical message.

  • message (str): The required message to be added to the LogItem. A message can be an empty string.

LoggerExt.Debug(message: str, withInfos: bool = True)None:

Log a Debug message.

  • message (str): The required message to be added to the LogItem. A message can be an empty string.

LoggerExt.Error(message: str, withInfos: bool = True)None:

Log an Error message.

  • message (str): The required message to be added to the LogItem. A message can be an empty string.

LoggerExt.Info(message: str, withInfos: bool = True)None:

Log an Info message.

  • message (str): The required message to be added to the LogItem. A message can be an empty string.

LoggerExt.Log(message: str, level: str, withInfos: bool = True, **logItemDict: dict) -> None:

This is the main method called from the overrides for Info, Debug, Error, etc.

It is going through additional checks before calling the underlying methods tolog messages to file, textport, or statusbar. All those additional method calls are subject to the current parameters setup ofthe logger COMP. When a Callback DAT is added, the callback onMessageLogged() will be called,passing the logItemDict to the user.

  • message (str): The required message to be added to the LogItem. A message can be an empty string.
  • level (str): The required LogLevel, such as ERROR, WARNING, INFO, etc.
  • withInfos (bool): Include additional informations in log message from the stack trace. Defaults to True.
  • logItemDict (**dict): Additional keywords can be used to override the default data such as `source`, `absFrame`, `frame`

LoggerExt.Warning(message: str, withInfos: bool = True)None:

Log a Warning message.

  • message (str): The required message to be added to the LogItem. A message can be an empty string.

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