


This component facilitates experimentation with and control of the builtin debug statement. It is an operator based interface for the debug module.

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Setting the various parameters will use the tdu.debug.setStyle function to change the behavior of the builtin debug statement. You can use the Test pulse to print a test debug statement to the textport.

Parameters - Debug Control Page

Refresh Refresh - Refreshes parameters to current debug style settings.

Apply Settings On Start Applysettingsonstart - If On, apply the component's debug setting parameters when TouchDesigner is started. Otherwise, the parameters will be refreshed to default settings on start.

Print Style Printstyle - - Define how arguments to debug are converted for printing.
  • pprint pprint - convert non-string args to pprint.pformat(arg, indent=4). Makes lists, dicts, etc. easily readable
  • repr repr - convert non-string args to repr(arg)
  • str str - convert non-string args to str(arg)

showDAT Showdat - in debug message, show the DAT where debug was called

showFunction Showfunction - in debug message, show function where debug was called

showLineNo Showlineno - in debug message, show line number where debug was called

timeStamp Timestamp - Python time format code. Menu contains examples.

Suppress Suppress - if True, suppress (don't print) any debug calls

formatOverride Formatoverride - overrides the default message that debug prints. You can use {0}, {1}, and {2} for DAT, function, and line number

functionOverride Functionoverride - overrides the builtin TD debug function. This function will be called with all arguments from any debug calls in your project. Set to False to remove override.

Test Debug Testdebug - evaluated argument to pass to debug as a test

Test Test - Run a test debug call with the argument provided in Test Debug parameter

Parameters - About Page

Help Help - Opens this page.

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