


The cameraBrowser is a collection of image types available on the RealSense device using the realSense TOP. With the viewer active click and drag the image into the network to create a TOP reference to selected image type.

To use the RealSense device in Touchdesigner, install the camera driver software (DCM) for the particular model of RealSense camera you have and a Realsense SDK. There are two SDKs available for the RealSense device Windows only SDK and a cross-platform library. Some features on the Windows only SDK are not available using the cross-platform library.

Download the latest Windows only SDK and camera driver software here.
Download the RealSense cross-platform library here.
For more information on using the RealSense in Touchdesigner see RealSense.

PythonIcon.pngPalette:cameraBrowser Ext

Parameters - Camera Browser Page

Help Help - Opens this page.

Version Version - Current version of this COMP.

API Api - -

  • RealSense SDK for Windows RealSense_SDK_for_Windows -
  • RealSense Cross Platform API RealSense_Cross_Platform_API -

Model Model - - Select the model of device to use.

  • F200 f200 -
  • SR300 sr300 -

Sensor Sensor - Select the device to use.

Color Image Color - The video from the color sensor.

Depth Image Depth - The calculated depth value for each pixel. The data is re-range to be between 0 and the 'Max Depth' parameter, specified in Meters. A pixel value of 0 means 0 meters from the camera while a pixel value of 1 means 'Max Depth' or more pixels from the camera.

Raw Depth Rawdepth - The raw depth value for each pixel from the SDK. Not well documented by the SDK. The data is re-range to be between 0 and the 'Max Depth' parameter, specified in Meters. A pixel value of 0 means 0 meters from the camera while a pixel value of 1 means 'Max Depth' or more pixels from the camera.

Visualized Depth Visualizeddepth - The depth values as output from the SDK when requesting a RGBA image. This output is useful for visualizing the depth, but the pixels values are dyanmically re-ranged by the SDK so it can't be used to determine a pixel's actual depth from the camera.

Depth to Color UV Map Depthtocoloruv - A RG 32-bit float texture that is the UV values needed to remap the Depth image to line up with the Color image. Use a Remap TOP with this and the Depth image to produce something that will be aligned with the Color image.

Color to Depth UV Map Colortodepthuv - A RG 32-bit float texture that is the UV values needed to remap the Color image to line up with the Depth image. Use a Remap TOP with this and the Color image to produce something that will be aligned with the Depth image.

Depth Aligned to Color Depthalignedtocolor -

Color aligned to Depth Coloralignedtodepth -

Infrared Image Infrared - The raw video from the infrared sensor.

Point Cloud Pointcloud - Literally a cloud of points in 3d space (X, Y, Z coordinates) or data points created by the scanner of the RealSense Camera.

Point Cloud Color UVs Pointcloudcoloruv - Which can be used to get each point’s color from the Color image stream.

Segmented Color (with Alpha) Segmentedcolor - Which outputs masked color image of the detected person in front of the camera.

Mirror Image Mirror - Flip the image horizontally.

TouchDesigner Build: