Palette:virtualFile Ext
These Extensions reference a specific Palette:virtualFile.
The VirtualFileExt extension provides extended functionality for working with the virtual files embedded in the component. Many of the functions mirror the vfs functions that exist on all COMPs.
No operator specific members.
AddFile(filePath=None, overrideName=None, removeAllFirst=None, returnVirtualPath=False)
→ VFSFile or virtual path
Add an embedded file from disk to the component with an option to override the name.
- filePath - (Keyword, Optional) The path of the file to add. Default = par.Filesource
- overrideName - (Keyword, Optional) When specified, will override the name of the file in VFS.
- removeAllFirst - (Keyword, Optional) If True, remove all the virtual files first, default = par.Removeallbeforeadds
- returnVirtualPath - (Keyword, Optional) If True, return the virtual path instead of VFSFile
AddFromImage(top=None, name=None, filetype=None, removeAllFirst=None, returnVirtualPath=False)
→ VFSFile or virtual path
Add an image file created from the provided TOP. Returns an vfs info dictionary OR vfs paths using mode defined by par.Uselabel
- top - (Keyword, Optional) The TOP image to use. Default = par.Imagesourcetop
- name: the name to be stored with the image. Default = par.Virtualfileimagename + par.Virtualfileimagefiletype
- filetype - (Keyword, Optional) The file filetype to save virtual file in. For available formats, see saveByteArray function. Default = par.Virtualfileimagefiletype
- removeAllFirst - (Keyword, Optional) If True, remove all the virtual files first, default = par.Removeallbeforeadds
- returnVirtualPath - (Keyword, Optional) If True, return the virtual path instead of VFSFile
AddFromTable(table=None, removeAllFirst=None, returnVFSPath=False)
→ list of VFSFiles or list of Virtual Paths
Add all files from 'path' column in input table. If there is an 'overrideName' column, use this for virtual names. Returns a list of VFSFiles OR virtual paths
- table - (Keyword, Optional) table of filepaths, default = wired input or par.Pathstable
- removeAllFirst - (Keyword, Optional) if True, remove all the virtual files first, default = par.Removeallbeforeadds
- returnVirtualPath - (Keyword, Optional) if True, return list of vfs paths instead of VFSFiles
→ list of VFSFiles
Finds all files in VFS with names matching the pattern. Returns a list of VFSFile objects.
- pattern - (Keyword, Optional) The pattern to match against.
Destroys any virtual file from the component that matches with the supplied pattern.
- pattern - (Keyword, Optional) The pattern to match against.
- useLabel - (Keyword, Optional) When true, will match against the file label instead of the full path.
Destroy a virtual file by index
- index - (Keyword, Optional) Index of file to remove. Default = par.Virtualfileindex
Rename(oldName, newName)
Change the name of a virtual file
- oldName - name of file to rename
- newPath - new name for file
→ VFSFile
Get a VFSFile by index
- index - (Keyword) index of the file
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