

Tree Lister

The treeLister custom Component provides a powerful and easy way to make tree controls for displaying hierarchical data. It is derived from the lister custom component, so many of its features are documented in that Component's wiki pages. Note: many of treeLister's features require a basic knowledge of Python.

You can find treeLister in the Palette under the folder Derivative>UI. Drag and drop the component from the Palette into your network.

See Also: Palette:lister, Lister Custom COMP Examples

Quick Start

There are three main ways to input data into a treeLister. They correspond to the options in the Input Mode parameter. Be sure the appropriate option is selected there when using the following methods...

Callbacks Only

This method is useful for data objects that already have a hierarchical structure, such as file directories and TouchDesigner networks. To use callbacks to dynamically generate tree data, you must:

  • define the following callbacks: getObjectFromID, getIDFromObject, getObjectChildren. See Basic Callbacks below for information about each one. To edit treeLister's callbacks, click the Edit Callbacks parameter on the Lister parameter page.
  • define tree roots in the Roots parameter and/or define the treeLister's DefaultRoots member in the onInit callback. DefaultRoots will be used if the Roots parameter is blank.


For this method, wire a DAT containing a valid JSON text object into the treeLister's input. The JSON object will be represented in tree form.

The row objects that are automatically created from JSON have the following members:

  • key: The object's key in it's parent container. This is a key string for objects in dicts and an index integer for objects in lists.
  • id: The tree ID used for the object. This is a tuple of keys leading to the object from the root.
  • type: The type of the object.
  • value: The value of the object if it does not hold a container.
  • children: The object's children if it holds a container.

Table with "path" col

For this method, wire a table DAT with column headers and a "path" column into the treeLister's input. The path should be unique for every row of the table. If necessary, set the Path Separator parameter. Example DATs for use with this method: OP Find DAT and Folder DAT.

Table with "path", "wirepath", and "parentpath" cols

For this method, wire a table DAT with column headers and "path", "wirepath", and "parentpath" columns into the treeLister's input. This is for use with the OP Find DAT to create tree data from TouchDesigner networks that include grey wired hierarchies.

Column Definitions

To verify your data and get the basics of your tree set up, turn on the Autodefine Columns parameter on the Lister page.

Ultimately you will probably want to create your own column definitions for a tree lister. For information about that, see Lister Custom COMP: colDefine table. For full tutorials, see: Lister Custom COMP Examples. Note: you should always keep the first two columns for indent and expander button. The third column should be stretchy to absorb each row's indent.

Custom Parameters

Basic treeLister functionality is set up with parameters.

Tree Page


Collapse All Collapseall - Collapse all branches of the tree.

Reload Input Reloadinput - Reload input table or JSON.


Input Table Treeinputtabledat - Table used for input (alternative to wiring in).

Input Mode Inputmode - Select the mode for the Component's input.

  • Callbacks Only: Use the callback system to build the tree dynamically. Requires that the following callbacks are defined: getObjectFromID, getIDFromObject, getObjectChildren.
  • JSON: Input provided through text DAT wired to input. The DAT must contain a valid JSON text object.
  • Table with "path" col: Input provided through table DAT wired to input. The DAT must have a "path" column that contains a unique path for each row. These paths will be used to define the tree hierarchy.

Path Separator Pathseparator - The separator used in the "path" column for the Table with "path" col input mode.

Numeric Path Numericpath - If True, treat the elements between path separators as numbers. Useful for IP-like paths.

Use Default Roots Usedefaultroots - If True, use the tops of provided data structure as the roots.

Roots Roots - A Python list of tree ID's to be used as the root objects in the tree.

Show Roots Showroots - If off, the tree will start at the defined roots, but will start displaying at the roots' children. For example, this can be used to show every file in a folder without displaying a node for the folder itself.

Click Corner To Refresh Clickcornertorefresh - When on, treeLister will display a refresh button in the top-left of the tree. This is useful for manually refreshing data that has changed.

Config Comp

The internal config Comp is where columns, colors, and other set-up is defined. All the features of Lister's Config Comp are available. Only the changes and additions will be described here.

colDefine table

The colDefine table sets up the data definitions and look. For detailed info, see Lister Custom COMP: colDefine table.

Required Columns

TreeLister has two required columns: Indent and Expando. These are set up for you in the default treeLister, and you will generally not have to change them. The Indent column is the empty space before a row, and the Expando column contains the button to expand and collapse tree branches. In the column definition textFormat row is the characters used for open and closed branches.

The third column should be set to stretch to absorb each row's indent. Tip: the width entry sets the minimum width for stretchable columns, so set that to a number large enough to display your tree labels.

Changes To sourceData and sourceDataMode

TreeLister adds a new sourceDataMode to lister's choices: "id" will display a row object's tree ID.

When treeLister is using Table with "path" col Input Mode, sourceData refers to the column label in the input table. In this mode, the special sourceData entry __row__ will also be available to display the source row of the input table. Tip: "__row__" is also available as a key in the row object of each lister Data row.

define table

The define table holds extra definitions for a lister. The treeLister adds:

  • indentWidth - defines the number of pixels to indent each level of the tree.
  • refreshChar - the character used in the corner when Click Corner to Refresh is on.

Look OPs

The various textCOMPs (older version use textTOPs) define the attributes for the table, rows, columns, and cells in various states. The treeLister adds a few of these, most important of which are the expando* textCOMPs. These define the way the expando button looks in the treeLister. The characters used in expando are found in the colDefine table, textFormat row. There is also an indent textCOMP defining how the indent area looks. In general there is no need to change these OPs.

Custom Callbacks

Custom callbacks facilitate complex Python tasks within the treeLister. Callbacks always take a single argument, an info dictionary of values relevant to the callback. Print this dictionary to see what is being passed. The keys will explain what each item is.

All the callbacks from lister are available in treeLister.

In addition, the following are new callbacks added to treeLister:

Basic Callbacks

  • getObjectFromID: Every row object in a treeLister must have a unique ID, which is often the "path" to the object. This callback must return the row object. The info dictionary provides:
  • id: the ID used to identify the object
  • jsonObject: if the tree has an associated JSON hierarchy, this is the object returned by that hierarchy for the given ID.
  • getIDFromObject: This is the reverse of getObjectFromID. This callback must return the ID. The info dictionary provides:
  • object: the row object
  • jsonID: if the tree has an associated JSON hierarchy, this is the ID returned by that hierarchy for the given object.
  • getObjectChildren: This callback must return a list of child objects for the provided tree row object. The info dictionary provides:
  • object: the row object
  • jsonChildren: if the tree has an associated JSON hierarchy, this is a list of object's child objects in that hierarchy.

Advanced Callbacks

  • onReloadInput: Called after input JSON or table data is reloaded into tree.
  • onBuildTreeData: Called after the tree builds its working data for all rows.
  • onTreeInitRow: Called after the tree initializes a data row, including setting its rowIndent attribute.

TreeListerExt Extension Class

The TreeListerExt extension provides extended functionality for working with treeLister. Frequently used promoted members and methods are listed here. A full list can be found using the Python help() function.

Note: The TreeListerExt class uses ownerComp in an unusual way, to refer to its internal Lister custom Component. The treeLister itself is stored in its treeListerComp member.


Lister The internal Lister custom Component. Note: this is also ownerComp, for inheritance reasons.
TreeLister The TreeLister component itself. Note: this is not ownerComp, for inheritance reasons.
DefaultRoots A set of tree IDs to be used as the default roots, if the Root parameter is empty.
Roots (Read Only) The IDs of the tree's root objects.
SelectedPaths (Read Only) All selected paths. Only works in "path" col modes.
IDObjDict (Read Only) A dictionary of tree objects indexed by ID. This doesn't use the getObjectFromID callback.
ObjIDDict (Read Only) A dictionary of IDs indexed by tree object. This doesn't use the getIDFromObject callback.



Reload input JSON or table.

OpenToPath(path, doRefresh=True)True if successful, root opened in if already open, otherwise None.

Open tree to the provided path. Only works in "path" col modes.
  • path: The path to open to
  • doRefresh: (Optional) - If True, call Refresh() after expanding items..

FromPathGetRowNum(path, startRow)Row number or None if row object is not currently visible.

Only works in "path" col modes.
  • path: The object's path
  • startRow: (Optional) - Start the search at this row. Default: 0.

FromPathsSelectRows(paths, addSelection)list of paths that were not found

Select the rows with the provided paths. Tree will be expanded to selected paths. Only works in "path" col modes. Any paths not found will be ignored.
  • paths: a list of path strings matching paths in the input table
  • addSelection: (Optional) - if True, add to current selection. Default: False.


Set all tree branches to be collapsed.
  • refresh: if True, Refresh will be run automatically afterward. Otherwise, you must call this function manually to see the effects.


Set all tree branches to be expanded.
  • refresh: if True, Refresh will be run automatically afterward. Otherwise, you must call this function manually to see the effects.

ToggleExpand(ID, value=None, root=None)

Switch the expanded setting of a tree ID branch. Requires a manual Refresh() call to update tree.
  • ID: object ID
  • value: (Optional) - if provided, switch to that value. Otherwise, toggle value.
  • root: (Optional) - for trees with overlapping roots displayed, you can specify which root to expand the given ID in with this argument. Otherwise, ID will toggle in ALL roots.


Create a JSON compatible Python object from tree data, starting at the given roots. Note: this only works in JSON Input Mode.
  • roots (Optional) - a list of IDs that will be the root nodes of the Python object. If not provided, the entire tree will be used.

CreateJSONText(roots=None)JSON text

Create JSON text from tree data, starting at the given roots. Note: this only works in JSON Input Mode.
  • roots (Optional) - a list of IDs that will be the root nodes of the JSON text object. If not provided, the entire tree will be used.

GetObjectFromID(ID)row object

Get row object. This method does use the getObjectFromID callback.
  • ID (Optional) - the unique object identifier used by treeLister (often a path).


Get ID. This method does use the getIDFromObject callback.
  • obj (Optional) - the row object held by the treeLister.


The treeLister uses standard List COMP drag/drop callbacks.