The searchReplace Component lets you search and (optionally) replace text in operators. The replace operation is undoable.
It will search and optionally replace all text in DATs, operator names, parameter values/expressions/bind expressions, custom parameter names, custom parameter menu items, custom parameter page names, and fieldCOMP text.
To search a single operator, or a component recursively, set the Searchinop
parameter. The first input allows you to provide a table of operators (path
column) to search non-recursively. The second input allows you to provide a table of multiple search/replace string options in search
and replace
Version Version
- Component version number.
Help Help
- Open this help page.
Search In OP Searchinop
- Operator to search inside. All children of components will be searched recursively.
Search String Searchstring
- The string to search for.
Replace String Replacestring
- The string to replace searched string with.
Go Go
- Perform the chosen operation.
Operation Operation
- Choose Search Only
or Search and Replace
Case Sensitive Casesensitive
- Case sensitive search.
Whole Words Wholewords
- Look for search string only when it is not part of a larger word. Any non alpha-numeric characters are considered word boundaries.
- Example: Searching for 'par' with Whole Words on will find
but will not findparent
Regular Expressions Regularexpressions
- When on, search string will be processed as a regular expression.
Operator Type Filter Operatortypefilter
- Only operators of the given Python class will be displayed. For example, DAT
will show all DAT types and panelexecDAT
will show only Panel Exec DATs. Accepts a space-separated list.
Filter Script Filterscript
- A Python expression to filter results, where operator
is the operator being tested. For example, operator.par.parentshortcut != ""
will only show operators with a parent shortcut.
Limit Max Depth Limitmaxdepth
- If True, limit the network depth of the search to "Maximum Depth"
Maximum Depth Maximumdepth
- Maximum depth of search. 0 is only the search operator itself. 1 is the selected operator and its children, 2 is the selected operator, its children and its grand-children etc.
Include Non-Editable DATs Includenoneditabledats
- If True, search DATs that can't be edited (and thus can't have text replaced in them)
Include Builtin Pars/Pages Includebuiltinparspages
- If True, search built-in par and page names that can't be changed (and thus can't have text replaced in them). Their editable values/expressions/etc. will always be included.
Include Hidden OPs Includehiddenops
- If True, include operators whose expose
members are False. (e.g. /sys)
Search DAT Text Searchdattext
- Search text in DATs.
Search Par Data Searchpardata
- Search parameter values and expressions.
Search Field Text Searchfieldtext
- Search the panel.field member of fieldCOMPs.
Search Tags Search tags
- Search tag text.
Search OP Names Searchopnames
- Search operator names.
Search Par Page Names Searchparpagenames
- Search parameter page names.
Search Par Labels Searchparlabels
- Seach parameter labels.
Search Par Names Searchparnames
- Seach parameter names.
Search Par Menu Items Searchparmenuitems
- Search parameter menu items (names and labels).
Open Result Table Openresulttable
- Open a view of the search result table, which is also available through the Component's DAT output.
Clear Result Table Clearresulttable
- Clear all search results from the result table.
Clear Results Before Search Clearresultsbeforesearch
- When on, clear the result table automatically before searching.
Search Again After Replace Searchagainafterreplace
- Automatically search again after replace operations.
Results Show Par Labels Resultsshowparlabels
- When True, use parameter labels instead of names in results.
First N Matches Firstnmatches
- Stop matching after finding the string in a given number of Operators.
- The number of matches to stop after.
Input 1 Search OP 'path' table
: A table of OP paths to be searched. Must have a column with header: "path". Note that these OPs' children will not be searched. To search an OP's children use the Search OP parameter.
Input 2 'search' 'replace' table
: A table of search and replace strings. Must have a column with header: "search" and a column with header: "replace".
Output1 Results
: a list of results from the last operation.
Regular Expressions
The searchReplace component does not use wildcards. Use this feature for all non-specific searches. Regular expressions are a powerful system used for string search and replace. An internet search will return many regular expression resources, but below are a few good places to start.
Regular Expression Examples
These are very simple examples of things you can do with regular expressions. See full documentation for more.
→ par followed by any character: pars, par1, parmpar...
→ par followed by any three characters: parent, par123par\.
→ par followed by the '.' character: par. ONLYpar.*
→ par followed by any number (including 0) of any character: parent, parsimonious, par1, parm, parpar\b
→ par followed by any word boundary, which amounts to anything that ends with "par": par, ropar, 12par,par1*
→ par followed by any number (including 0) of the character "1": par, par1, par1111par1+
→ par followed by any number (excluding 0) of the character "1": par1, par1111par[a-e]
→ par followed by a letter "a" through "e": para, pard, parepar[^a-e]
→ par followed by any character that is not the letters "a" through "e": parh, par1, par]par[a-e]*
→ par followed by any number of instances of the letters "a" through "e": paraaaa, par, pardaepar[a-eX]*
→ par followed by any number of instances of the letters "a" through "e" or 'X': paraeXa, parX, parpar\d*
→ par followed by any number of digits: par, par58123, par0par\d\d*
→ par followed by at least one digits: par58123, par0par\w
→ par followed by any word character: par1, para
Regular Expression Escape Sequences
There are a number of useful regular expression escape sequences (starting with backslash character). See full documentation for more.
: a digit (0-9)\s
: a whitespace character\S
: a non-whitespace character\w
: a "word" character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _)\W
: a non-"word" character (not a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or _)
Replacements in Regular Expressions
Replacements are also extremely powerful in Regular Expressions, using a simple grouping system. Use parenthesis to separate any number of regular expressions, then in the replacement string, reference those groups using \g<#>
with # being the group number. See full documentation for more info.
- Search:
→ dog3 becomes god3, dog0 becomes god0 etc. - Search:
→ dog3 becomes 3dog, god0 becomes 0god etc. Note: the|
character is an "or" in the group.
- Search:
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