


The rgbaDelay uses a cacheselect TOP to cache the RGBA channels separately delaying the movement of the selected channel, requires a movieFilein TOP as an input with a video file selected.

PythonIcon.pngPalette:rgbaDelay Ext

Parameters - RGBA Delay Page

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Red Delay Reddelay - In the red channel, specify the image to grab from the sequence of cached images. The index starts at 0, which is the current image. Images are then accessed backwards in time, such that the image before the current image has an index of -1, the image before that has an index of -2, and so on.

Green Delay Greendelay - In the green channel, specify the image to grab from the sequence of cached images. The index starts at 0, which is the current image. Images are then accessed backwards in time, such that the image before the current image has an index of -1, the image before that has an index of -2, and so on.

Blue Delay Bluedelay - In the blue channel, specify the image to grab from the sequence of cached images. The index starts at 0, which is the current image. Images are then accessed backwards in time, such that the image before the current image has an index of -1, the image before that has an index of -2, and so on.

Alpha from All Delays Alphadelays - Toggles the ‘Apha Delay’ parameter.

Alpha Delay Alphadelay - In the alpha channel, specify the image to grab from the sequence of cached images. The index starts at 0, which is the current image. Images are then accessed backwards in time, such that the image before the current image has an index of -1, the image before that has an index of -2, and so on.

Dry / Wet Mix Drywet - Blends between the output image and the original input TOP.

Operator Inputs

  • Input 0: in1 -

Operator Outputs

  • Output 0 -

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