


The rgbaBlur COMP blurs the RGBA channels in a TOP individually.

PythonIcon.pngPalette:rgbaBlur Ext

Parameters - RGBA Blur Page

Help Help - Opens this page.

Version Version - Current version of this COMP.

Red Pre-shrink Redpreshrink - Reduces the image's red channel resolution before applying the blur.

Red Filter Size Redfilter - The amount of blur in pixels in the red channel.

Green Pre-shrink Greenpreshrink - Reduces the image's green channel resolution before applying the blur.

Green Filter Size Greenfilter - The amount of blur in pixels in the green channel.

Blue Pre-shrink Bluepreshrink - Reduces the image's blue resolution before applying the blur.

Blue Filter Size Bluefilter - The amount of blur in pixels in the blue channel.

Alpha from All Blurs Alphablur - Toggles the Alpha channel.

Alpha Pre-shrink Alphapreshrink - Reduces the image's alpha resolution before applying the blur.

Alpha Filter Size Alphafilter - The amount of blur in pixels in the alpha channel.

Dry / Wet Mix Drywet - Blends between the output image and the original input TOP.

Operator Inputs

  • Input 0: in1 -

Operator Outputs

  • Output 0 -

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