The leapPaint COMP uses the Leap Motion device and user's hands as a controller to draw in a TOP. There are two API versions for the Leap Motion device, some features are not supported on “Version 4 Orion” API for example “swipe”.
More information on using the Leap Motion in TouchDesigner can be found on this page.
Parameters - Leap Paint Page
Help Help
- Opens this page.
Version Version
- Current version of this COMP.
Leap Control Leapcontrol
- If this parameter is turned off, the drawing control is switched to the mouse coordinates. The stroke width increases when the left mouse button is held down.
API Version Apiversion
- ⊞ - Selects the API version.
- Version 3
- Version 4 Orion
Hand to draw with Drawhand
- ⊞ - Selects which hand is used to draw.
- Left
- Right
Borders Border
- Adds borders to the stroke.
Clear Clear
- Clears the drawing plane.
Operator Outputs
- Output 0 -
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