


The Feedback Edge COMP is a feedback image effect created using a Feedback, Blur, Edge, Level and Hsvadj TOPs.

PythonIcon.pngPalette:feedbackEdge Ext

Parameters - Feedback Page

Source Tint Color Sourcetint - - Clamps the maximum level of the RGB channels in the source image.
  • Source Tint Color Sourcetintr - Sets the red color channel.
  • Source Tint Color Sourcetintg - Sets the green color channel.
  • Source Tint Color Sourcetintb - Sets the blue color channel.
Source Gain Sourcegain - Increases or decreases the brightness of the source image. Brightness can be considered the arithmetic mean of the RGB channels. The Brightness parameter adds or subtracts an offset into the R, G, and B channels. Low brightness will result in dark tones, while high brightness will wash the color out towards white.

Edge Color Edgecolor - - The color of the edges in RGBA.
  • Edge Color Edgecolorr - Sets the red color channel.
  • Edge Color Edgecolorg - Sets the green color channel.
  • Edge Color Edgecolorb - Sets the blue color channel.
Edge Strength Edgestrength - Higher gain values will make more edge details appear.

Scale Scale - Adjusts the scale of the transformations loop in the Feedback TOP.

Blur Source Blursource - Blurs the source image before being manipulated by the Feedback TOP.

Blur Feedback Blurfeedback - The amount of blur in pixels.

Feedback Gain Feedbackgain - Increases or decreases the brightness of the image within the feedback TOP. Brightness can be considered the arithmetic mean of the RGB channels. The Brightness parameter adds or subtracts an offset into the R, G, and B channels. Low brightness will result in dark tones, while high brightness will wash the color out towards white.

Feedback Black Level Feedbackblack - Any pixel with a value less than or equal to this will be black.

Hue Shift Hueshift - Adjusts the hues selected above. The Hue Offset ranges from 0 to 360. For example, if the initial pixel color is 180 then a Hue Offset of 100 will change the hue of 180 (cyan) to be a hue of 280 (violet).

Saturation Multiplier Saturationmult - Adjusts the saturations selected above. This will multiply the saturation values specified by Saturation Range and Falloff parameters above. Setting this to 0 will reduce the selected saturation to 0, setting it to 1 will maintain the current saturation values, and setting it to 2 will make the selected saturation twice as saturated.

Reset Reset - Activates feedback when set to 0. Disables feedback when set to 1. When disabled, the Feedback TOP passes thru the image connected to its input.

Dry / Wet Mix Drywet - Blends between the output image and the original input TOP.

Parameters - About Page

Help Help - Opens this page.

Version Version - Current version of this COMP.

Operator Inputs

  • Input 0: in1 -

Operator Outputs

  • Output 0 -

TouchDesigner Build:

These Extensions reference a specific Palette:feedbackEdge.

No operator specific extensions.

TouchDesigner Build: