


The changeToColor COMP selects a color with the “From Color” parameter and transforms it to the color specified in the “To Color” parameter. The COMP changes the hue, saturation and value of “From Color” to the “To Color”, the tolerance of the transformation can be adjusted with the hue, saturation and value tolerance parameters. The changeToColor COMP outputs a color corrected TOP image or an alpha mask.

PythonIcon.pngPalette:changeToColor Ext

Parameters - Change To Color Page

Help Help - Opens this page.

Version Version - Current version of this COMP.

From Color Fromcolor - - Selects the color to be modified using the red, green and blue channels. Clicking on the color swatch opens a color picker with RGB and HSV (Hue, Sat, and Value) pickers.

  • From Color Fromcolorr - Sets the red color channel.
  • From Color Fromcolorg - Sets the green color channel.
  • From Color Fromcolorb - Sets the blue color channel.

To Color Tocolor - - Sets the new color that the “From Color” parameter is being changed to. Clicking on the color swatch opens a color picker with RGB and HSV (Hue, Sat, and Value) pickers.

  • To Color Tocolorr - Sets the red color channel.
  • To Color Tocolorg - -Sets the green color channel.
  • To Color Tocolorb - Sets the blue color channel.

Change Change - - Selects the specific characteristics of the color to change. For example only hue channel or change hue & saturation channels together.

  • Hue hue - Selects hues channel.
  • Hue & Saturation huesat - Selects the hues and saturations channels.
  • Hue & Value hueval - Selects the hues and values channels.
  • Hue & Saturation & Value huesatval - Selects the hues, saturations and values channels.

Change By Changeby - - Selects the process which the “From Color” is modified to the “To Color”.

  • Set to Color set - Sets the “From Color” to the “To Color”.
  • Transform to Color transform - Transitions the “From Color” to the “To Color”.

Hue Tolerance Huetolerance - Adjusts the tolerance for the hues selected in the “From Color” parameter.

Saturation Tolerance Sattolerance - Adjusts the tolerance for the saturation selected in the “From Color” parameter.

Value Tolerance Valtolerance - Adjusts the tolerance for the value selected in the “From Color’ parameter.

Softness Softness - Adjust the sharpness and specificity of the edges selected by the “From Color” parameter.

Invert Mask Invertmask - Inverts the color selection mask.

Output Output - - Outputs a TOP.

  • Corrected corrected - The input TOP modified by the selected colors and HSV parameters.
  • Color Mask mask - The color selection as an alpha mask.
  • Input input - Original input TOP.
  • All all - all outputs layed out in a grid and labled.

Dry / Wet Mix Drywet - -

Blends between the output image and the original input TOP.

Operator Inputs

  • Input 0: in1 -

Operator Outputs

  • Output 0 -

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