
NetworkEditor Class

The NetworkEditor class describes an instance of a Network Editor. They are subclasses of the Pane Class, which can be accessed from the ui object.


showBackdropCHOPsbool :

Enable or disable CHOP viewers as backdrops.

showBackdropGeometrybool :

Enable or disable SOP and Geometry object viewers as backdrops.

showBackdropTOPsbool :

Enable or disable TOP viewers as backdrops.

showColorPalettebool :

Enable or disable display of the operator color palette selector.

showDataLinksbool :

Enable or disable disable of operator data links.

showListbool :

Control display of operators as a list, or connected nodes.

showNetworkOverviewbool :

Enable or disable display of the network overview.

showParametersbool :

Enable or disable display of the currently selected operator parameters.

straightLinksbool :

Control display of operator links as straight or curved.

xfloat :

Get or set the x coordinate of the network editor area, where 1 unit = 1 pixel when zoom = 1.

yfloat :

Get or set the y coordinate of the network editor area, where 1 unit = 1 pixel when zoom = 1.

zoomfloat :

Get or set the zoom factor of the network editor area, where a zoom factor of 1 draws each node at its unscaled resolution.



Fit the network area to specified width, specified in node units. This affects the zoom factor.

  • width - The width to fit to.


Fit the network area to specified height, specified in node units. This affects the zoom factor.

  • height - The height to fit to.

home(zoom=True, op=None)None:

Home all operators in the network.

  • zoom - (Keyword, Optional) When true, the view will be scaled accordingly, otherwise the nodes will only be re-centered.
  • op - (Keyword, Optional) If an operator is specified, the network will be homed around its location.
p = ui.panes['pane1']
n = op('/project1')
p = ui.panes[2]


Home all selected operators in the network.

  • zoom - (Keyword, Optional) When true, the view will be scaled accordingly, otherwise the nodes will only be re-centered.

placeOPs(listOfOPs, inputIndex=None, outputIndex=None, delOP=None, undoName='Operators')None:

Use the mouse to place the specified operators in the pane.

  • listOfOps - The list of operators to be placed.
  • inputIndex - If specified, which input index to connect to.
  • outputIndex - If specified, which output index to connect to.
  • delOP - If specified, deletes that operator immediately after placing the listOfOPs.
  • undoName - Describes the Undo operation.

Pane Class


ownerCOMP :

Get or set the component this pane points to.

idint (Read Only):

A unique numeric identifier.

linkint :

Get or set the numeric link index.

enablebool :

Get or set mouse and keyboard interactivity on the pane.

maximizebool :

Enable or disable the pane maximize state.

namestr :

Get or set the pane name.

ratiofloat :

Get or set the split proportion of the pane, if the pane was previously split.

bottomLeftCoords (Read Only):

The coordinates of the bottom left corner, expressed as both x/y and u/v in a named tuple.

topRightCoords (Read Only):

The coordinates of the top right corner, expressed as both x/y and u/v in a named tuple.

typePaneType (Read Only):

The enumerated type of the pane. Example: NetworkEditor.

The enumeration is called PaneType and consists of:

  • PaneType.PANEL
  • PaneType.TOPVIEWER
  • PaneType.TEXTPORT



Change the pane to the specified type. Will return a new Pane object that represents the Pane. After being called, the current Pane instance will no longer be valid.

  • paneType - The type of pane to change this pane to.
p = ui.panes[0]
p = p.changeType(PaneType.TOPVIEWER)  # note: must re-assign p to new object.


Close the pane.


Return a floating copy of the pane.


Split the bottom portion of the pane into a new pane.


Split the left portion of the pane into a new pane.


Split the right portion of the pane into a new pane.


Split the top portion of the pane into a new pane.


Detach the pane into a floating window. Returns True if successful.

TouchDesigner Build: