Lister Custom COMP Examples
This page contains examples of how to set up a lister custom component. They assume a basic knowledge of TouchDesigner and Python.
For full documentation of lister, see: Lister Custom COMP.
Example 1 - File Listeredit
In this example, we will create a very simple lister using only parameters and wires. We will also use a couple of simple Python expressions in associated operators. The end result will be a lister that allows you to choose the file displayed in a movieFileInDAT.
Creating a listeredit
To create a lister, drag one from the Palette (Derivative>UI folder) into your network.
Creating an input DATedit
Any table can be used as an input into lister. For this example, we will use a Folder DAT because we are making a list of files. Create a Folder DAT in your network to the left of the lister. Change the DAT's Root Folder parameter expression to app.samplesFolder + '/Map'
. It now contains a list of all the sample maps provided in TouchDesigner. Wire the output of the DAT to the input of the lister. Open a floating viewer of the lister by right-clicking on its node and selecting "View...".
Ordering and selecting dataedit
For this feature to work, you need to change a couple settings on the lister. First, let the lister know that the top row of the table is headers by turning on the Input Table Has Headers parameter. Next, enable column sorting and filtering by turning on the Clickable Header parameter.
You can now sort rows by clicking on the column labels. Note that your original Folder DAT does not change when you do these things. The DAT is only used to create the original data.
To select a row, click on it. You can select multiple rows using shift and ctrl clicks. If you turn on the Drag To Reorder Rows parameter, you can rearrange rows by selecting and dragging them.
Filtering dataedit
To filter the lister's data, you can enter a string into its Filter String parameter. It will now only display rows that contain that string in the currently filtered column. To select the filter column, click on the column label.
Controlling a movieFileIn TOP using the listeredit
In this step, you will create a very simple file selector using the lister. For this example, first turn off a few features. Switch off the following toggle parameters in the lister: Clickable Header, Multiple Row Select, Drag To Reorder Rows. Also, remove any Filter String you have set. The lister data will now stay the same as the original table.
Create a Movie File In TOP in your network. Change the TOP's File parameter expression to
op('folder1')[int(op('lister').par.Selectedrows), 1] if op('lister').par.Selectedrows else ''
This little bit of Python selects a cell from the input table that corresponds to the lister's selected row. Select different rows to see this work. NOTE: The if
clause at the end takes care of the case where no rows are selected.
Example 2 - Network Listeredit
In this example, we will create a lister using Python callbacks and the Column Definition (colDefine) table. The end result will be a lister that allows you to select operators in TouchDesigner's root network.
Creating a listeredit
To create a lister, drag one from the Palette (Derivative>UI folder) into your network.
Populating the lister using onGetRawData callbackedit
Open the lister's callback DAT for editing by clicking its Edit Callbacks parameter. The onGetRawData
callback populates the lister's row data. It can handle a number of different kinds of data, but in this case we will be using a list of objects. Specifically, we will populate the raw data with an OP object for each row. Put the following code in the callback DAT:
def onGetRawData(info):
return op('/').children
This returns a list of the root operator's children. The lister will base each row on an item in the list, in this case a TouchDesigner Operator object. Open a floating viewer of the lister by right-clicking its node and selecting "View...". You will see that the autodefine columns feature has created a column of "objects" with a string representation of each operator in the rows. Our next step is to manually define the columns that we want in our lister.
Editing the Column Definition tableedit
To open the Column Definition table, click the lister's Edit Column Definitions parameter. In this table, the first column contains labels and the following columns contain formatting information about each of the lister's columns. Change your table to contain this data:
To see the effects of these changes, switch off the Autodefine Columns parameter in the lister. It is now using the colDefine table you just set up. Let's take a look at some of the features of this table...
The column row contains a unique name for each column. The columnLabel row is the string that will appear above that column in the lister's header. The "*" in the Operator column's columnLabel means to use the column name above. The empty columnLabels in Select and Delete indicate no column label.
The sourceData and sourceDataMode rows define what data will be put in this column. The lister is based on a list of OP objects, so the name
in the Operator column indicates that the lister will use each OP's name member, which is a string, as indicated by the sourceDataMode setting. Both Select and Delete have a constant
sourceDataMode, so those rows will contain the literal contents of sourceData.
For more details about the various settings in the table, see colDefine table.
Creating special looks in the Config COMPedit
The Select and Delete columns illustrate two ways to create special looks in your lister. Notice that the Select column has a bitmap button and the Delete column has a text button with a differentiated color. Try rolling over and clicking on these columns to see more of their looks.
In the colDefine table, these unique cell looks are set in the cellLook and topPath. To see what they refer to, open the Config COMP by clicking the lister's Edit Config COMP parameter. In this COMP you will find many customizable features for lister. Among other things, the colDefine table, callbacks DAT, and TOPs that define cell looks are located here. The button, buttonRoll, and buttonPress TOPs define the button look for the Delete column. The btnImage, btnImageRoll, and btnImagePress TOPs define the image to be displayed in the Select column. You can create as many of these custom cell looks and images as you like, using this naming convention.
For details about the various settings available through the look TOPs, see Config TOPs.
Writing button callbacksedit
The functionality for buttons is created using Python callbacks. To set this up, open the lister's callbacks DAT. Create the Select button's click functionality by adding the following text:
def onClickSelect(info):
op = info['rowData']['rowObject']
op.current = True
The name onClick
followed by the lister's column name defines the callback for clicks on that column. The 'rowData' item in the info dictionary contains a Python Ordered Dict with items for each column followed by a 'rowObject' item which is the original object provided as raw data for the lister. In this case, 'rowObject' contains the Operator for this row. Setting that operator's current
member to True selects the operator in the network as if it were clicked on. Open up the root network and click on the Select buttons in the lister to see this effect. Because the clickOnDrag setting is set to on in the colDefine for this column, you can drag the mouse across it with the button down to select different operators as you drag.
For the Delete buttons, enter the following code to illustrate a different approach:
def onClick(info):
if info['col'] == 2:
In addition to the onClick<columnName>
callbacks, there is a general onClick
callback which is called when any cell is clicked. In order to use this for the Delete button, we must first check that it is in that column by testing info['col']
. If our column is 2, we delete the row from the lister by using its DeleteRows
method. As you can see, the lister itself is stored in info['ownerComp']
. Notice that for the sake of a safe example, the Delete button is set up to delete the row from the lister, not to delete the operator from the network.
For a full list of available lister callbacks, see: Custom Callbacks.
Advanced Callbacks and custom pop-up helpedit
The last feature to add to the Network Lister is a pop-up help string showing the path to each operator. This needs to be set up in the onInitCell
advanced callback. These callbacks are off by default because they are called more often, reducing speed slightly and cluttering the textport when the Print Callbacks parameter is on. Switch on the Do Advanced Callbacks parameter on the lister's Advanced page to activate them. Then add the following code to the callbacks DAT:
def onInitCellOperator(info):
if info['row'] > 0:
operator = info['rowData']['rowObject']
attribs = info['attribs'] = operator.path
Here we are again using the column callback technique by appending Operator
to the onInitCell
callback name. The first line of the callback checks that the row number is greater than 0 because header rows also get an onInitCell
callback. If we are not in the header row, we alter the cell's
member to hold the operator's path. For info about the many things that can be set in attribs, see: ListCOMP Class.