ListAttributes Class
The ListAttributes class describes a set of list attribute objects for cells, rows, columns or table. It can be accessed from a List Component.
Access to individual List Attributes depends on what type: row, col, or cell:
rowAttribs = op('list1').rowAttribs # get the ListAttributes object for rows
print(len(rowAttribs)) # number of rows
print(rowAttribs[0].bgColor) # rows are accessed by row #.
# This prints the background color settings for the first row
colAttribs = op('list1').colAttribs # get the ListAttributes object for columns
print(len(colAttribs)) # number of columns
print(colAttribs[0].bgColor) # cols are accessed by column #.
# This prints the background color settings for the first column
cellAttribs = op('list1').cellAttribs # get the ListAttributes object for columns
print(len(cellAttribs)) # total number of cells
print(colAttribs[0,2].bgColor) # cells are accessed by [row, col].
# This prints the background color settings for the cell in the first row, third column
Note: The attributes above are the settings for List Component's hierarchical layout technique. This means that cell settings
override row settings, which override column settings, which override table settings. If you want to know the final value in a
given cell, use listCOMP.displayAttribs[row, col]
No operator specific members.
No operator specific methods.
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