
Internal Operators

Internal Operators” (iOPs) provide a simple shortcut to a frequently-used operator, accessing from anywhere in that component.

Simply, you create or choose a node that you would access frequently within a component. You pick a shortcut name for that node. You set it up on the Common page of the parent component by supplying the shortcut name and the path to the node. You can then access it with a syntax like iop.ShortcutName.

iop.ShortcutName searches up in the parent components' hierarchy until it finds a component with a matching Internal OP Shortcut name.

See alo Internal Parameters which provides more concise shortcuts to parameter collections.


Assume you want to refer to /project1/geo1 frequently.

Go to the parameters of /project1, to the Common page. Name your internal operator shortcut by setting Internal OP Shortcut 1 to TopGeo.

Give the path to the Geometry component by setting Internal OP 1 to ./geo1.

The geo1 component is now easy to refer to within your component:

Go back in project1 and create a Camera component. In its Look At parameter put in its expression field iop.TopGeo.

Move geo1, the camera cam1 will look continue to look at geo1.

Getting to iop from Outside a Componentedit

You may want to get the value of an iop of another component, or you may want a parameter on a component to use an iop of that component.

Being "internal" this isn't possible with iop. But you can use a member of the component to access it: COMP.internalOPs['Name'] where Name is the iop name you want. COMP.internalOPs is a dictionary of internal operator shortcuts found on the component.

See also Internal Parameters.