
GLSL Matrix Functions

// Creates a translation matrix for the given 3 translation values.
mat4 TDTranslate(float x, float y, float z);

// Creates a rotation matrix that rotates around the +X, +Y and +Z axis repectively.
mat3 TDRotateX(float radians);
mat3 TDRotateY(float radians);
mat3 TDRotateZ(float radians);

// Creates a rotation matrix that rotates around the 'axis', the given number of 'radians'
// The 'axis' vector must already be normalized before being passed to this function.
mat3 TDRotateOnAxis(float radians, vec3 axis);

// Creates a scale matrix for the given 3 scale values.
mat3 TDScale(float x, float y, float z);

// Creates a rotation matrix that rotates starting from looking down +Z, to the 'forward' vector direction.
// The 'forward' and 'up' vectors passed to this function do not need to be normalized.
mat3 TDRotateToVector(vec3 forward, vec3 up);

// Creates a rotation matrix to rotate from vector 'from' to vector 'to'. The solution isn't particularly stable, but useful in some cases.
// The 'from' and 'to' vectors must already be normalized before being passed to this function.
mat3 TDCreateRotMatrix(vec3 from, vec3 to);