
debug module

The debug module provides tools for use with TouchDesigner's builtin debug statement. It also contains utilities for customizing those statements and building customized debug output. This module is a member of Tdu Module.

You can use the debugControl component in the palette to set up debug behavior without using Python.


styletypes.SimpleNamespace :

A namespace containing information about how to process debug statements. This data is not meant to be changed directly. Instead, use the setStyle function below.



Print all args and extra debug info (default is DAT and line number) to texport. To change behavior, use the debugControl component or setStyle function (below).
TIP: Use debug instead of print when debugging Python scripts in order to see object types and the source of the output.

setStyle(printStyle=None, showDAT=None, showFunction=None, showLineNo=None, timeStamp=' ', suppress=None, formatOverride=None, functionOverride=None)None:

Set the style for the built in TD debug function. Any arguments passed as None will leave that feature unchanged.

'pprint'=convert non-string args to pprint.pformat(arg, indent=4, sort_dicts=False). Makes lists, dicts, etc. easily readable
'pprint_sorted'=convert non-string args to pprint.pformat(arg, indent=4). Makes lists, dicts, etc. easily readable. Dict keys will be alphabetized
'repr'=convert non-string args to repr(arg)
otherwise, convert non-string args to str(arg)
showDAT: in debug message, show the DAT where debug was called
showFunction: in debug message, show function where debug was called
showLineNo: in debug message, show line number where debug was called
suppress: if True, suppress (don't print) any debug calls
timeStamp: Python time format code.
formatOverride: overrides the default message that debug prints. You can use {0}, {1}, and {2} for DAT, function, and line number
functionOverride: overrides the builtin TD debug function. This function will be called with all arguments from any debug calls in your project. Set to False to remove override.


Return the string that would be printed by the debug function. To change behavior, use the debugControl component or setStyle function (above). This is a utility function for building custom debug systems.

info(*args, stackOffset=0)list:

Return all args and extra debug info as processed by the debug function. To change behavior, use the debugControl component or setStyle function (above). This is a utility function for building custom debug systems.

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