
Creating a Key

Creating a Keyedit

KeyManagerLogin.png KeyManagerCreate.png

This section describes creating and installing a key for TouchDesigner if your computer is connected to the internet. If you do not have an internet connection on the computer, see the Offline section below.

  1. Select the Create option along the top of the Key Manager Dialog.
  2. Sign In using your Derivative account username and password. Click the Sign In button.
  3. In the following dialog, it will display all the available licenses in your account. Select which license to create a key with and click the Create Key button. Licenses that are greyed out need to be updated to work with the installed build.

The key will be created and installed and you're ready to go!.

OFFLINE - Creating a Keyedit

ONLY Use this method if your computer is offline. To disable the key in the future you will need an internet connection.


This section describes creating and installing a key if the computer can not be connected to the internet.

In the case that the TouchDesigner computer can not connect to the internet, keys can be created for it on another connected device.

1. Take note of the Machine Name and the System Code near the bottom of the Key Manager dialog on the computer you need to make a key for.

2. Go to MY ACCOUNT and login. Go to MY LICENSES.


3. Locate the license you would like to use to create a new key with. The license must not be in use on another computer (See "Disabling a Key" if the license is in use).


4. Click on the license to expand its Details. Click the Create Key button to proceed.


5. In the popup dialog, enter your computer's information which is displayed at the bottom of the Key Manager Dialog. Click Generate when ready and the key will be created.


6. Copy and paste the key into the Install section of the Key Manager Dialog. Click the Install Key button and you're ready to go!