Cell Class
The Cell Class describes the contents of a single cell from a DAT operator table. The DAT Class offers many ways of accessing its individual cells. DAT cells are always internally stored as strings, but may be accessed as numeric values.
IMPORTANT: op('table1')[1,2]
is this python cell object which usually gets converted for you to the string in the cell. More safely use op('table1')[1,2].val
which always gives you the string.
→ bool
(Read Only):
True if the referenced cell currently exists, False if it has been deleted.
→ int
(Read Only):
The numeric row of the cell.
→ int
(Read Only):
The numeric column of the cell.
→ OP
(Read Only):
The OP to which this object belongs.
→ str
Get or set the cell contents, which are always stored as a string value.
run(*args, endFrame=False, fromOP=None, asParameter=False, group=None, delayFrames=0, delayMilliSeconds=0, delayRef=None)
→ td.Run
Run the contents of the cell as a script, returning a Run object which can be used to optionally modify its execution.
- endFrame - (Keyword, Optional) If set to True, the execution will be delayed until the end of the current frame.
- fromOP - (Keyword, Optional) Specifies an optional operator from which the execution will be run relative to.
- asParameter - (Keyword, Optional) When fromOP used, run relative to a parameter of fromOP.
- group - (Keyword, Optional) Can be used to specify a group label string. This label can then be used with the td.runs object to modify its execution.
- delayFrames - (Keyword, Optional) Can be used to delay the execution a specific amount of frames.
- delayMilliSeconds - (Keyword, Optional) Can be used to delay the execution a specific amount of milliseconds. This value is rounded to the nearest frame.
- delayRef - (Keyword, Optional) Specifies an optional operator from which the delay time is derived. If none is provided, will use the cell owner.
- arg - (Optional) Arguments that will be made available to the script in a local tuple named args.
offset(r, c)
→ Cell | None
The cell offset to this cell by the specified amount, or None.
- r - The number of rows from the cell. Positive values count down, while negative values count up.
- c - The number of columns from the cell. Positive values count right, while negative values count left.
c = op('table1')['March', 'Sales'] d = c.offset(-1, 2) # one row up, two columns right of cell C
Casting to a Value
The Cell Class implements all necessary methods to be treated as a number or a string, which in this case gets or sets its value. Therefore, an explicit call to get or set val is unnecessary when used in a parameter, or in an expression. For example, the following are equivalent in a numeric parameter:
Or equivalently, for a string parameter:
Similarly, expressions on Cells will autocast themselves automatically:
n[1,2].val + 1 # string plus 1, error
n[1,2] + 1 # autocasted value plus 1
In the second case, the contents of the Cell are used to determine if numeric or string operations should be used. For example, if cell n[1,2] contains "3" then:
n[1,2].val + n[1,2].val # will return "33" since .val is a string.
n[1,2] + n[1,2] # will return 6 since the contents "3" are numeric.
If n[1,2] contained a non-numeric value such as "a" then
n[1,2] + n[1,2] # will return "aa"
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