
COMP Instance 2 Page

Parameters - Instance 2 Page

When the instance data is supplied by a TOP, the TOP's RGBA channels are assigned to instance attributes; when data is supplied by a CHOP, the CHOP's channels are assigned to instance attributes; when from a SOP then the SOP's attributes are assigned to instance attributes; and when a DAT is used then a column is assigned to the instances attributes.

Rotate to Vector: Order instancerottoorder - - Controls where in the transform equation the Rotate To Vector operation is applied.
  • Default default - The Rotate to Vector operation will be applied before all other transform operations (except the pivot offset), regardless of their order of operation. E.g T * R * S * (RotToVector) * Position , R * S * T * (RotToVector) * Position .
  • Pre-Rot prerot - The Rotate To Vector operation will be applied after the main rotation as part of the TRS order. I.e T * (RotToVector * R) * S * Position, (RotToVector * R) * S * T * Position.
  • Post-Rot postrot - The Rotate To Vector operation will be applied before the main rotation as part of the TRS order. I.e T * (R * RotToVector) * S * Position, (R * RotToVector) * S * T * Position.

Rotate to Vector: Forward Direction instancerottoforward - - Determine which axis for the geometry original orientation is considered 'forward'. That is, it'll treat the part of the geometry that is looking down that axis as the front and rotate it so it's aligned with the rotate to vector direction.
  • +X posx -
  • -X negx -
  • +Y posy -
  • -Y negy -
  • +Z posz -
  • -Z negz -

Rotate to OP instancerottoop - Select a specific operator to get data from for the Rotate to Vector instance attributes below. If not specified, the the operator specified in the 'Default Instance OP' on the Instance parameter page can be used.

Rotate to Vector X instancerottox - Select what data to use to rotate to vector instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options.

Rotate to Vector Y instancerottoy - Select what data to use to rotate to vector instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options.

Rotate to Vector Z instancerottoz - Select what data to use to rotate to vector instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options.

Rotate Up OP instancerotupop - Select a specific operator to get data from for the Rotate Up instance attributes below. If not specified, the the operator specified in the 'Default Instance OP' on the Instance parameter page can be used.

Rotate Up X instancerotupx - Select what data to use to rotate up instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options.

Rotate Up Y instancerotupy - Select what data to use to rotate up instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options

Rotate Up Z instancerotupz - Select what data to use to rotate up instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options

Instance Order instanceorder - - Sets how transforms are applied to the instances.
  • Instance, then World Transform instanceworld - Use the individual instance transforms first, then apply the world transform (i.e. Xform and Pre-Xform parameter pages). worldXform * instanceXForm * Position
  • World Transform, then Instance worldinstance - Use the world transform first, then apply the individual instance transforms. instanceXForm * worldXForm * Position

Texture Mode instancetexmode - - Set how the texture coordinates are applied to the instances.
  • Replace replace - Replaces texture coordinates.
  • Transform transform - Offsets texture coordinates.

Tex Coord OP instancetexcoordop - Select a specific operator to get data from for the Texture Coord instance attributes below. If not specified, the the operator specified in the 'Default Instance OP' on the Instance parameter page can be used.

U instanceu - Select what data to apply to texture coordinates of the instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options. This interacts with the first texture layer uv[0] attributes coming from the SOP.

V instancev - Select what data to apply to texture coordinates of the instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options. This interacts with the first texture layer uv[0] attributes coming from the SOP.

W instancew - Select what data to apply to texture coordinates of the instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options. This interacts with the first texture layer uv[0] attributes coming from the SOP.

Color Mode instancecolormode - - Controls how the instance color values interact with the SOPs 'Cd' (diffuse color) attribute. If the SOP doesn't have a 'Cd' attribute, then it will behave as if its 'Cd' is (1, 1, 1, 1).
  • Replace replace -
  • Multiply multiply -
  • Add add -
  • Subtract subtract -

Color OP instancecolorop - Select a specific operator to get data from for the Color instance attributes below. If not specified, the the operator specified in the 'Default Instance OP' on the Instance parameter page can be used.

R instancer - Select what data to apply to the diffuse color of the instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options. These parameters will be combined/replaced with the SOPs 'Cd' attribute, as chosen by the Color Mode parameter.

G instanceg - Select what data to apply to the diffuse color of the instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options. These parameters will be combined/replaced with the SOPs 'Cd' attribute, as chosen by the Color Mode parameter.

B instanceb - Select what data to apply to the diffuse color of the instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options. These parameters will be combined/replaced with the SOPs 'Cd' attribute, as chosen by the Color Mode parameter.

A instancea - Select what data to apply to the diffuse color of the instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options. These parameters will be combined/replaced with the SOPs 'Cd' attribute, as chosen by the Color Mode parameter.

Instance Textures instancetexs - - Specify the paths one or more TOP containing the textures to use with the instances. Wildcards and pattern matching is supported.
Extend U instancetexextendu - -
  • Hold hold -
  • Zero zero -
  • Repeat repeat -
  • Mirror mirror -

Extend V instancetexextendv - -
  • Hold hold -
  • Zero zero -
  • Repeat repeat -
  • Mirror mirror -

Extend W instancetexextendw - -
  • Hold hold -
  • Zero zero -
  • Repeat repeat -
  • Mirror mirror -

Filter instancetexfilter - -
  • Nearest nearest -
  • Linear linear -
  • Mipmap Linear mipmaplinear -

Anisotropic Filter instancetexanisotropy - -
  • Off off -
  • 2x 2x -
  • 4x 4x -
  • 8x 8x -
  • 16x 16x -

Instance Texturing

This feature allows for arbitrary textures to be applied to instances. The textures do not need to be the same resolution, and they don't need to be combined into an grouped format such as a 3D Texture or a 2D Texture array. Multiple TOPs can be specified using the "Instance Textures" parameter, and the texture that is applied per-instance is specified using the channel chosen in the "Texture Index" parameter. This is different from a 3D Texture or 2D Texture Array, which would use the W texture coordinate to select a texture from within a single texture. By default this texture will be used as the "Base Color Map" texture for a PBR MAT, and the Color Map for all other materials such as the Phong MAT. For materials that support more than one map, the map that this this feature replaces can be chosen in the material's parameters. Currently on Windows at most 16384 textures can be used at once, and on macOS at most 128 textures can be used at once. These numbers are reduced by other textures that are used by the render such as other maps, cone light lookup map etc.

Tex Index OP instancetexindexop - Select a specific operator to get data from for the Texture Index instance attribute below. If not specified, the the operator specified in the 'Default Instance OP' on the Instance parameter page can be used.

Texture Index instancetexindex - Select what data to select which texture to use for the instances, use the drop-down menu on the right to easily select from the available options.