Images looked washed out

Qucik question regarding images. I am placing images on top of geometrical shapes using the phong MAT. The images come out much brighter and often washed out. I have played with many of the lighting settings but the image is still way too bright. Losing lots of the detail. Where can I find the settings to improve the look of the pictures and bring them closer to original?

are you assigning the texture to the phong’s colour map? that usually looks accurate to the source unless something has changed recently…

Yes, when I drag it onto the phong node I select “Color Map”. If I apply a black and white image, large portions of the image are whited out, and you lose the detail. I’m not sure what I might be missing here.


sounds like some of the Phong MAT parameters like “Specular” are set to something else then the default value.

If you click on the top right icon in the parameters (non default parameters only) only changed parameters will be displayed and you should see if there are other parameters then the Color Map parameter changed from the defaults…


Thanks Markus,

Knocking the specular down to “0” did the trick.