Replicator or create() method?

I have a container that I’m dropping parameters onto to have them populate in the container’s interface. To do this I’m thinking to use the args to set parameters in a Parameter COMP, but I don’t know if I should use the create() method to create a new Parameter COMP for each operator whose pars I’m dropping, or if I should use a replicator to create the new Parameter COMPs. Is one method necessarily better than the other?

My understanding is that it is basically the same thing.

I will use the create() function if I want to have more control how, when and what changes.

For example. I use the create() function to bring in a TOX and preload it before turning on it’s render.

It seems like a replicator would probably work fine though because you are just changing some pars. This can be done in the replicator callbacks loop. Have the drop create a new row in a dat that will create a new op.

I would like to load a TOX with the create() function. I cannot find any documentation on how to do this. Do you know where I can find more info about dynamically creating and destroying objects using code in TD?

search “create” and it will bring you to the create() method, which is shared among all COMPs in the COMP class.
You have to call it on a COMP. For example, if you’re in the default project container and want to create a base COMP, you would call:
me.parent().create("baseCOMP", "newBase")

To load a tox, you’d then fill op("newBase").par.externaltox with the path to the tox and pulse the reinit par.

Hope that helps.