UI component display

hey all

i’m trying to get some UI gizmos (knobs, sliders) to show up in my output. i have had success with this in the past, but now it’s not working. i have all my networks boxed up in the top level. i place my UI stuff in containers (so they are 1 level down), wire all my boxes to a master out, but the UI stuff doesn’t show up when i go to perform mode.

ultimately, i’ll have a macro to display or hide the ui stuff, but for now i just want to get them rendering.



Which nodes are you displaying in your perform mode the COMP that contains all of your UI components, or the one that they are getting wired to.
Can you see the UI gadgets in the tile viewer for the COMPs?

i can see my knob components in the container they live in. if i render only that container in perform mode, i can see them. but i can’t see them any other way.

the wiring goes - big container with out top-> little container with corner pinner and knobs with out top-> out top.

i attached a jpg of the wiring.


Hey, the TOP/CHOP/SOP etc In and Out nodes only pass data into and out of the COMP, the COMP itself doesn’t do anything to the data (so the TOP data doesn’t get changed by that COMP). If you want to see UI gadgets in a TOP, you can use a Op Viewer TOP to render the COMP into a TOP.


now i’m having another problem. when i use op viewer, and connect the UI component i want to view, i enable “allow panel interaction”. i thought this would allow the UI component to operate during runtime, but it seems to do nothing. i click on the button, nothing happens.

now i’ve realized something else that is kind of bumming me out. if i go into perform mode by viewing an Out Top, when i click the mouse i am able to drag and reposition my output. this is something i’d really like to disable. (this is with or without any UI components rendering)

any thoughts?

Why don’t you just make your Panel COMP be what’s displayed in perform mode instead of the TOP? That way you’ll have interaction.

To give a little more info. To put the TOP as a background for your UI panel, use the Background TOP parameter in any Panel COMP. Then you make your perform mode display the panel, and you’ll see everything and be able to interact. Sorry I wasn’t sure what you were trying to do, so the Op VIewer isn’t the best way to do this.

You can use a Container COMP inside your main UI COMP if you want more control over where the TOP is positioned in the displayed UI.