camera switcher?


Is there a good way to setup a camera blend between two cameras (including xform and lens settings)?

I’m finding that I need to create a bunch of different camera rigs in Touch. I’d like to have one master camera that can blend between them (like the Blend OBJ in Houdini). Is there a good way to do that in Touch?

While I’m at it. I’ve been missing the Rivet and Sticky OBJs from Houdini as well. Are they in the Touch interface? I’m struggling to find them.


Ya, currently the Blend COMP blends between the xforms of COMPs, but not the camera specific settings setting.

The easiest way to do this right now is in CHOPs, setup all of your parameters for the camera settings in CHOPs (either using Constant CHOPs, or you can use the Fetch CHOP to grab the channels from existing Camera COMPs), blend them using the Blend CHOP, and then export them to the ‘true’ camera that’s being used for rendering. You can still use the Blend COMP to blend between the camera xforms though.

We currently don’t have anything like the Rivet or Sticky OBJs in Touch.