RESOLVED Is it me? Or is it a bug? choptoSOP weird behaviour

Hi I’m having this weird problem I can’t seem to solve.
(I’m following one of Matthew Ragans fantastic tutorials.)
In this one panelinput is used to draw a shape.
The last step is converting chop data into SOP point coordinates by using a chopto SOP

However my chopto SOP doesn’t update properly, but when i copy the chopto SOP from the example file, it works. All settings are exactly the same… What am i missing? I’m starting to think it’s a bug…

I’m using TD 2017.16360 on both Windows 10 and MacOS

In the attachment a file with both chopto SOPS :slight_smile:

hope someone can help,
all the best
Draw_a_Shape.toe (5.63 KB)

So the difference between the 2 CHOP to SOP is just a user setting. choptop1 has Adaptive Homing on so it shows the entirety of the trace, chopto2 doesn’t. You can turn it on via the RMB menu on the active viewer. Hope this helps.

For any node as well, you can activate the viewer and use the mouse buttons to tumble/dolly/zoom.
Also the middle mouse button on the node brings up an info window, and you can confirm the size/center/bounds are the same.

Yes it works! Whoohoo! Turning off adaptive homing was the solution!
Thank you very much…